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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 15, 20137 <br /> <br />Lakeshore towards the highway. However, this option does not work well with the contractor as a <br />retaining wall will be built in this area and the work cannot be done with live wires in close <br />proximity. He noted that Excel Energy stated the line may not be able to be shut down during the <br />summer months. If the line cannot be shut down during the summer, it would push construction <br />completion of the 10/96 project into 2014. <br /> <br />Public Works Director Maurer <br /> noted the expense of temporary poles is approximately $20,000. <br />He stated Xcel has agreed to use 55 foot poles on the west side of Lakeshore for the wires. The <br />tree trimming was discussed in detail. Staff noted the 55 foot high poles were the best scenario <br />the group could come up with given all the project considerations. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden <br /> questioned what would keep Xcel from clear cutting the trees in this <br />area. <br /> <br />Public Works Director Maurer <br /> indicated there is no agreement in writing, but he feels Xcel will <br />be reasonable with regard to tree trimming for this project. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden <br /> asked how the neighbors feel about the situation. <br /> <br />Public Works Director Maurer <br /> stated they are not happy with the situation, but there is no better <br />option available. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant <br /> requested comment from the residents in attendance. <br /> <br />Mike Loosbrock, <br />4535 Lakeshore Place, commented that the compromise was more of a <br />convenience for Xcel than anything else. He stated the concerns of the residents were not taken <br />into consideration. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant <br /> indicated that trees will be replanted along Highway 96. <br /> <br />Public Works Director Maurer <br /> stated the County will be applying for a partnership grant for <br />planting from MnDOT. The grant funds would assist in the collaboration efforts between <br />MnDOT, the County and the neighbors for the landscaping plan in this area. He does not <br />anticipate any problems with the County coming up with funds to properly replant this area. <br /> <br />Mr. Loosbrock <br /> expressed skepticism that the County will truly pursue a grant to assist with the <br />replanting of his property. <br /> <br />Public Works Director Maurer <br /> commented the grant funds will assist with replanting the entire <br />Highway 96 corridor. Without the grant monies, he felt the County would still landscape <br />Lakeshore Place. He stated he is going by the statements made by Jim Tolaas. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant <br />encouraged the residents present to trust in the comments made by Jim Tolaas as <br />he has come through for the City in the past. He requested staff speak with Mr. Tolaas regarding <br />this matter and that the County provide the City with a letter regarding what actions will be taken. <br /> <br />