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05-38-13 Special
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5/28/2013 8:33:13 AM
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5/28/2013 8:33:05 AM
05-28-13 Special Council Meeting
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05-28-13 Special Council Meeting
05-28-13 Special Council Meeting
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes April 16, 2013 <br />Page 2 <br />work that was previously done in 2011. He stated that feedback from the Planning <br />Commission has been incorporated. <br /> <br />Committee Development Intern Bachler indicated further points of discussion include <br />whether any types of uses or facilities should be permitted that are not currently listed in <br />the draft ordinances, do they contain enough guidance to effectively evaluate potential <br />conditional uses and their potential impact on park and open space land, and any special <br />regulations that might be appropriate. Previously, the Planning Commission had <br />requested that staff include a provision in the Parks and Open Space Ordinance that <br />would require the City to replace any converted or transferred park space with an <br />equivalent amount of park land within city limits. Upon further research staff found that <br />such an ordinance already existed in the City Code. In such cases where the City is <br />looking to transfer park and recreation land to a private entity that would use that land for <br />a different use the proposal would be brought to the PTRC. If the PTRC supported the <br />proposal a public hearing would be held by the City Council and the City Council would <br />need to approve such an agreement by a majority vote. At that point there would need to <br />be a commitment of resources to acquire substitute recreational land so that in the end a <br />substitute amount of land would replace the land that was taken. He reported the existing <br />ordinance adequately addresses this issue. <br /> <br />Committee Member Michaelson questioned if a publicly owned golf course would <br />qualify under the permitted uses for either of these areas. Mr. Bachler stated he believed <br />that Attachment C - City Owned Park Facilities and Recreational Facilities under the <br />parks and open space district could be interpreted to include a publicly owned golf <br />course. <br /> <br />Committee Member Kramlinger stated he did not feel an owner of privately held land <br />would want the value of the land controlled by the City. Mr. Bachler indicated the City <br />is not proposing that staff retroactively rezone privately held land as parks and open <br />space land use because that would directly diminish the value of that land. Ms. Beekman <br />indicated if the City wanted to dispose of a City owned park or open space they could not <br />just do that but would need to follow the process in place. She stated, the park preserve, <br />however, is owned by the Army and if they want to rezone it, the City has no authority <br />over that land. <br /> <br />Committee Member Kramlinger asked whether land is gifted to the City when a new <br />development is made. Ms. Beekman stated the way that park dedication works is the <br />City gets a percentage of the land or value of the land and the City is statutorily required <br />to use that toward the creation of new trails or park connections. <br /> <br />Committee Member Michaelson questioned whether the City would have some control <br />over uses if the Army decided to sell some of the land. Ms. Beekman indicated since the <br />land is owned by the Federal Government, if the Army wanted to do something with the <br />land, the City would not have much say in the matter. <br />
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