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PC Packets 2011
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION—August 3,2011 2 <br /> City Planner Meagan Beekman stated the applicant has requested approval of an <br /> amendment to the Final PUD for Phase I of the Arden Plaza Master PUD, and a <br /> Preliminary and Final Plat to subdivide the property into three parcels. City Planner <br /> Meagan Beekman noted the Master PUD Concept Plan was approved in June 2009. She <br /> reviewed the three phases of the project. A final PUD for Phase I was also approved in <br /> June 2009. Since the approval, Walgreen's has removed itself from the project and it has <br /> been replaced by a CVS pharmacy. City Planner Meagan Beekman reviewed the Phase I <br /> Site Plan with the modifications since approval. City Planner Meagan Beekman provided <br /> drawings of the building elevations and reviewed the landscaping plan. The driveway <br /> details were reviewed. Of the 46 design standards for the B-2 District, 44 are met or <br /> exceeded by Phase I of the proposal. Phases II and III will be reviewed as the <br /> applications are received. <br /> Staff offers the following eleven findings of fact for this proposal: <br /> 1. The applicant is requesting approval of an amendment to the Final PUD for Phase I <br /> and a Preliminary and Final Plat for the Arden Plaza property. <br /> 2. The PUD process allows for flexibility within the City's regulations through a <br /> negotiated process with a developer. <br /> 3. The Arden Plaza property is located in the B2 General Business District. <br /> 4. The proposed redevelopment is a permitted use in the B2 District. <br /> 5. The City has adopted the Guiding Plan for the B2 District that outlines future <br /> development principals for the area. <br /> 6. The City has adopted design standards for the 132 district within the Zoning Code. • <br /> 7. The Master PUD and Final PUD for Phase I are in substantial conformance with the <br /> requirements of the City's Zoning Code and design standards. <br /> 8. The Master PUD and Final PUD for Phase I are in substantial conformance with the <br /> Guiding Plan for the B2 District. <br /> 9. The Master PUD and Final PUD for Phase I are in substantial conformance with the <br /> City's Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 10. Where the plan is not in conformance with the City's Zoning Code, flexibility has <br /> been requested by the applicant and/or conditions have been placed on an approval <br /> that would mitigate the nonconformity. <br /> 11. The application is not anticipated to create a negative impact on the immediate area or <br /> the community as a whole. <br /> Because this application would be amending the already approved Development <br /> Agreement, only those conditions that relate to the amended items are addressed in the <br /> conditions of approval. Staff is recommended approval based on the findings of fact <br /> subject to the following six conditions: <br /> 1. The applicant shall continue to abide by the conditions of all previous Master PUD <br /> and Final PUD for Phase I,permits, and reviews, except as hereinafter amended. <br /> 2. The project shall be completed in accordance with the submitted plans as amended by <br /> the conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by <br /> the City Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and <br /> City Council. <br /> 3. The applicant shall file the Final Plat with Ramsey County within 180 days of the <br /> approval from the City. <br />
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