<br />� Resolution Index - 2013
<br />Resotution Description � Adoption Publication
<br /># Date Datc
<br />2013-040 Resolution Authorizing Application for Recycling SCORE Gran[ Funds 1 1 2> �I �
<br />_._ _ � ___ ______ _ _..__ ___._. _.... __. . _. _� _.._ M_ ... _.. __� .�._ ...__ — _. .._._�. _. . _ _...
<br />2013-041 Resolution Lstablisl�ing Service Fee Charge for 2014 Residential Curbside IZecycling � I 25� 13
<br />Progrdm '.
<br />_ ._._._ .....................___. _,. ..,,,,,,_,,,�__ _._.._..._ _ �. � _._ ., __._..�..._._.,�„��,_.� ..__..._..._....____.�_..._, _ ___,,.___ ___._. ____. _ W W � �--__.
<br />2013 042 Resolution Accepting the Liability Coverage Limits from LMCIT for 2014 I I/25/13 `
<br />_-...._....___._.,.._. ��.......,.... �—.--
<br />_._ _.._.. �. ..� __._..__ _-.__.__. - , . .....______ �_.__......_... � ____._._
<br />2013-043 Resolution Accepting the Feasibility Report and Authorizes the Preparation of Plans and � Z/9/ 13 �
<br />Spec.if1c.ation5 �
<br />... d.___.. _..,.._._.. �_ � . �. � _ _. _ -._-_ ._ �_,___.__ _ � _________ _.�....� _._ __,_ ______� � . n � _W W_____ _ �
<br />Resolution Ordering Tl�e Preparation Of A Feasibility Report For Tl�e Round Lake Road, '
<br />2013-044 Gateway Boulevard And Gateway Court Area 12!9/13
<br />_._-._.._ __.. ._. .__._ � __ � __� � _ _ _._.._._......._ _� ,�. _. _ � ___ _._____ ___ _ _._._�___. _. � �..__. _ _ _ � _ _ � _ . ....... .......
<br />Receiving the Round Lake Road Gateway Boulevard and Gateway Court Feasibility �
<br />?013 045 12�9/I'�
<br />Re ortand OrderPubli� Hearm� ____.___, . _.__ __�a_..e_�_ _.__ __ �
<br />_ . _ . _. _ .� _p � _�_W _ � _____..__.�. __�___ �. � � .� �m, �; _ _
<br />2�� ����4� Ordering Preparation ofi Plans and Specifications for tl�e Round Lake Road, Gateway � 2�9�� �
<br />F3oulevard and (iateway Court Improvetnents
<br />_.._.. _.____-..._. . _.... _ . _:�._.._ _ �_._.�._._.._ __..._�__.�. . _ _ _.._.._._ _._ � _ �
<br />2013 047 F,mployee Benefits 12'9/13
<br />_.,�__..�,._,.�,.�.. _..__,.,,_ �..,.. _d_ _� _____ �__._.___.
<br />2013 04R Fee S�hedule VOID (done by Ordinanc,e)
<br />_ _ �.., � __._ __._._.._..........__._....__�__..___.._._.._.._., m,.,,, _�__..�... .____,._..___.. � � _..__.__..__.d _��..,,_..� _______.__ � __
<br />2013 049 Resolution Adopting and Confirming Delinquent Utilities Special Assessments µ___._...____� ��_��9�� � _ __��� W_
<br />_.�. _. __ _..
<br />2013-050 Budget20L4 =
<br />___ ___.._.�.. ., __.._......�,.�,_,� �..,.__.,_.,�,___....._.._..__�. _ _ ____.._ � ._.._.._.._.__.._�._.,_,__ _ _ _ _ __ �_...__ ..___. ___.. � __ �_. �__ _ _ _. �. .�. __ _-.
<br />2013-051 Levy 2014.._,._.._.,_�._._______ `
<br />_ _ ..�, � � _._ .�. � _ �__n_..__._�__,�_ __ � ��_.._.._� _. � _..__�_..�..�. y �_,_ _ �.._. _
<br />�Ol�-p52 !
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<br />_.....�013 054. _.�. �. ._.�
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