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04-03-13 PC Minutes
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PC Minutes 2013
04-03-13 PC Minutes
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4-3-13 PC Minutes
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4-3-13 PC Minutes
4-3-13 PC Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – APRIL 3, 2013 4 <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman stated no formal action is necessary the applicant and staff are <br />seeking feedback from the Planning Commission on the submitted plans. <br />Chair Larson asked if the traffic study will be completed by the May Planning Commission <br />Meeting. City Planner Meagan Beekman stated it most likely would not be completed and the <br />findings will come later. Chair Larson added the closing of the three access points would be an <br />advantage. <br />Commissioner Thompson asked if the access point would align with the Target intersection. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman stated the County would not allow it if it did not align with the <br />Target intersection. <br />Commissioner Holewa asked if the spacing of the stop lights was a concern. He stated he would <br />like the two lights coordinated together. <br />Mr. Nick Roberts, owner of Roberts Development Company, stated they just closed on the Blue <br />Fox property last Monday. They are looking forward to getting the project done. <br />Chair Larson stated the drive-up and queue along Lexington is somewhat awkward. Something <br />more than the retaining wall needs to be added. He suggested the back doors be painted to blend <br />in with the brick. Chair Larson suggested landscaping between the areas between the towers in <br />the right-of-way. He is concerned about the back doors of the tenant spaces. Mr. Roberts stated <br />the drive-thru has been moved to the North side of the building. The queuing will follow the <br />same track and some patio seating will be lost. Mr. Roberts stated his vision is to make it a high <br />end retail center. He has brought some samples for Commission review. He wants the area to <br />have a timeless feel. The plan is to paint the doors and landscaping will be done with irrigation. <br />Mr. Roberts stated the back of the building should be as appealing as the front. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman stated he concurred with Chair Larson. He stated he assumes there <br />will be signage to direct traffic. Mr. Roberts stated the signs will be closer to the road. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman asked if Blue Fox is just going away and Mr. Roberts stated that is <br />the plan. On the 3771 building the plan is to do the project in phases as it evolves. Phase II is <br />the 1120 building. <br />Commissioner Thompson asked for an overview of Mr. Robert’s vision for the development. <br />Mr. Robert’s stated in Phase I he would foresee two restaurants, a coffee shop, some mixed <br />retail, possibly a high-end wine store. Phase II may include a fitness center and Phase III may <br />include some offices, family sit-down dining, underground parking, dentist office, insurance <br />agent, etc. Commissioner Thompson asked if people would be walking from one area to the <br />other and whether the landscaping would include pavement for walkers and bicycles. Mr. <br />Roberts stated there is a pedestrian plan for Phase I with a crosswalk connecting the parking lots. <br />Commissioner Thompson stated she has seen different color pavement indicating a crosswalk <br />area and that might be something for the developer to consider. <br />Commissioner Holewa stated he was concerned about the view from Lexington Avenue. He <br />stated some of the businesses may not require a lot of signage. <br />Commissioner Hames asked if the drive-thru would be a late night drive-thru and Mr. Roberts <br />stated it would be a coffee shop with early morning business. <br />
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