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PC Packets 2013
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – APRIL 3, 2013 8 <br />2. Public hearing held by City Council <br />3. City Council approval <br />4. Commitment of resources to acquire substitute recreational areas. <br />Staff does not see a need to amend the City’s existing ordinance. <br />Chair Larson asked how much privately owned park space is there and City Planner Meagan <br />Beekman stated she is not aware of any. <br />Commissioner Hames stated she believes according to the map there are many privately owned <br />park areas. City Planner Meagan Beekman stated the first thing needed is to create the districts <br />after which the rezoning could be done. The property owners would be notified of the new <br />zoning districts. Commissioner Hames asked if a separate designation would be needed for <br />private park land. City Planner Meagan Beekman stated that would not be necessary. The park <br />plan would not be amended. Only the zoning designation would be changed. <br />Commissioner Holewa asked if rezoning of private park land would remove it from the tax rolls <br />and City Planner Meagan Beekman stated it would still be taxed but at a lower rate. Pulte will be <br />building a park within the development. <br />Commissioner Hames asked if the designations would be recognized by Ramsey County. City <br />Planner Meagan Beekman stated there are many cities’ that have different zoning for parks and <br />open space. <br />Chair Larson asked if each parcel would need a PID number and City Planner Meagan Beekman <br />stated it would. City Planner Meagan Beekman stated even unplatted properties have PID <br />numbers. She noted one parcel can have multiple zoning designations. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman stated developments have generated fees for park dedication rather <br />than land. In looking at TCAAP there may be a large amount of land for park dedication. He <br />asked if we are coordinated well enough with this ordinance that we could realize the park space <br />that is planned. City Planner Meagan stated there is a system in place regarding park dedication. <br />For TCAAP there is one owner – the County. A cohesive master plan will be needed that will <br />identify the open space and park land. The zoning code has a lot of detail regarding the park <br />land and open space requirements. Commissioner Zimmerman asked who the gate-keeper will <br />be to ensure this happens. City Planner Meagan Beekman stated the City will develop the <br />Master Plan. The joint development authority will be the gate-keeper based on documents <br />created by the City of Arden Hills. <br />Commissioner Hames stated the discussion is getting off topic. She stated she approves of the <br />two designations and the drafts provided by staff. <br />Commissioner Holewa thanked Community Development Intern Matthew Bachler and City <br />Planner Meagan Beekman for their work on this. <br />Commissioner Holewa suggested rewording of 1320.13 Subd 2. A. striking “practical” and <br />inserting “considering the public needs and the cost of maintenance.” <br />Community Development Intern Matthew Bachler stated the City cannot dictate on Federal <br />owned property. He referred to 1320.14 Subd 1 #E & F. <br />
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