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PC Packets 2013
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – APRIL 3, 2013 6 <br />Community Development Intern Matthew Bachler reviewed the Planning Commission is <br />requested to review the draft Parks and Open Space (P/OS) Ordinance and Park Preserve (PP) <br />Ordinance and provide further direction. They will also review the Diversion and Disposal of <br />Recreation Areas Ordinance and recommend amendments, if necessary. <br />Community Development Intern Matthew Bachler stated the City completed its Parks, Trails, <br />and Open Space (PTOS) Plan in 2002. The PTOS Plan addresses demographic and recreational <br />trends that affect the City’s park, trail, and recreation needs. Several recommendations entail <br />renovating existing park space, as well as improving the accessibility of these resources. The <br />Parks, Trails, and Recreation Committee and City staff have since made significant progress in <br />implementing the goals listed in the PTOS Plan. <br />In September 2009, the City Council adopted the Arden Hills 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The <br />plan outlines the community’s vision and goals, which are intended to guide the City’s programs, <br />priorities, and decision-making processes. Several policies and goals contained in the plan <br />address the protection of open space and outdoor recreational amenities: <br /> Chapter 6 – Land Use <br /> Evaluate and amend the land use regulations to achieve the highest possible <br />development standards, enhance the natural environment, protect public health, <br />support a vital mix of land uses, and promote flexible approaches to implement the <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Provide a balanced mix of residential, park, open space, and commercial land uses. <br /> Chapter 9 – Parks and Recreation <br /> Develop, maintain, and encourage the use of a system of neighborhood parks and <br />pathways that are safe and engaging. <br /> Chapter 10 – Protected Resources <br /> Develop or enhance regulations to protect the City’s natural resources, including <br />trees, lakes, wetlands, and other unique or significant natural resources. <br />Community Development Intern Matthew Bachler showed the 2030 Future Land Use Map <br />indicating Park and Open Space and Park Preserve Lands. The Park Preserve area is entirely <br />located on the Training Site. He showed the Current Zoning Code and noted there is not a <br />distinct district set aside for parks or open space areas within zoning regulations. <br />Community Development Intern Matthew Bachler stated the Comprehensive Plan identifies a <br />total of 576 acres of park and open space land, and categorizes P/OS as an existing and future <br />land use designation. Park Preserve (PP) is an additional existing and future land use designation <br />applied to open space areas in the City. Currently there is not a district set aside for parks or <br />open space areas within zoning code regulations. <br />Community Development Intern Matthew Bachler reviewed the drafts for the proposed Park and <br />Open Space Ordinance and Park Preserve Ordinance currently include three primary sections: <br />1. A description of the intent of the ordinance <br />2. A subdivision outlining permitted uses, and <br />3. A subdivision listing special regulations. <br />
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