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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 19, 2013 9 <br /> <br />the building façades are broken up into regular, smaller increments using windows, doors, and light <br />fixtures. Awnings have been included at all entryways except the entrance doorways for the two <br />central tenants. The applicant did not include awnings above these entryways for aesthetic reasons. <br /> <br />The City Council and Planning Commission have previously expressed concern about the design of <br />the eastern side of the building. While traditionally this is where the primary building entrance <br />would be located, the building is oriented towards the interior of the site and the back of the building <br />faces Lexington Avenue. Staff has worked with the developer to ensure that this side of the building <br />is well designed. Awnings and light fixtures have been included to break up the façade. Landscaping <br />in the adjacent right of way will help partially screen the building. Additionally, the developer has <br />proposed constructing the façade entirely with brick and all service doors will be painted to match <br />the color of the brick used. <br /> <br />Commercial Façade Transparency Exceeds Requirements <br />For commercial buildings, at least 50 percent of the first level façade that includes the primary store <br />entrances must be made of transparent windows and doors. Approximately 54 percent of the <br />that are visible to the public must be window coverage, half of which may be spandrel glass. The <br />applicant has proposed approximately 38 percent transparent window coverage for the northern and <br />southern facades, and 23 percent transparent window coverage for the eastern building façade. None <br />of the proposed window coverage would be tinted, reflective, or frosted. <br /> <br />The developer has indicated that depending on the needs of the tenants located in the northern, <br />central, and southern bays of the building, a certain percentage of the window coverage on the <br />eastern, northern, and southern sides of the building may need to be non-transparent. The Planning <br />Commission should determine how much non-transparent window coverage would be permitted on <br />these three sides of the building and include this requirement as a condition of approval. <br /> <br />Site Furnishing and Seating Areas Meets Requirements <br />Benches and decorative plantings are required near the primary entrance of all buildings. <br />Restaurants must provide for an outdoor seating area. The applicant has proposed a large public <br />sidewalk area, measuring from 15 to 20 feet in width, which would wrap around the western and <br />southern sides of the building. Included in this space would be benches, decorative plantings, bicycle <br />parking stands, and outdoor seating for the two restaurant tenants. <br /> <br />Screening Flexibility Requested <br />The City Code requires that trash equipment and containers be fully enclosed and integrated into the <br />in the interior of the building and has proposed to locate an exterior trash enclosure in the northeast <br />corner of the site. This facility would be fully enclosed and would be constructed with brick and <br />rough cast stone to match the exterior materials used for the principal building. A proposed retaining <br />wall along the northern and eastern sides of the northeastern corner of the property would completely <br />screen the structure from vehicles and pedestrians. Staff is generally favorable to this approach. By <br />removing the trash facilities from the interior of the building, the developer will have more leeway in <br />ensuring that the eastern side of the building facing Lexington Avenue is well designed and <br />aesthetically appealing. <br /> <br />Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation Meets Requirements <br />Sites must be designed to accommodate the safe mobility of pedestrians and bicyclists. The applicant <br />has proposed a pedestrian mobility plan that provides sidewalks linking the entrances of the building <br />
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