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EDC Minutes <br /> May 1, 2013 <br /> Page 4of5 <br /> hazardous building materials are being removed in preparation for demolition which should <br /> begin within two weeks. <br /> Ramsey County is holding a public meeting to provide information on the demolition and <br /> remediation project. The meeting will be held at the Marsden Room of the Ramsey County <br /> Public Works Facility on Tuesday, May 7, 5:00 to 7:00 pm. <br /> B. Revolving Loan Fund <br /> Chair von Holtum suggested that, due to time constraints, the Revolving Loan Fund discussion <br /> be postponed until the following meeting. <br /> C. Commission Members <br /> Chair von Holtum stated that an interview with an EDC candidate was scheduled for <br /> immediately following the EDC meeting. He added that he believed the candidate's professional <br /> experience would be an asset for the EDC. <br /> Commissioner Altstatt requested that, at a future meeting, Commissioners discuss the qualities <br /> and experience that are desired in candidates for the EDC. <br /> It was the consensus of the Commission that this topic would be brought forward at a future <br /> meeting as Commissioners continue to recruit for the vacant EDC positions. <br /> D. Council Liaison <br /> Councilmember Werner stated that, on April 29, 2013, the City Council approved a contract <br /> with Kimley-Horn and Associates for the TCAAP Alternative Urban Areawide Review(AUAR), <br /> Master Plan, and Regulations & Policies. At the same meeting, the City Council also approved a <br /> contract for the repainting of the South (Red Fox Road) water tower. The tower will be painted <br /> tan, and two City logos will be added to the tower. <br /> Councilmember Werner added that City Planner Meagan Beekman had resigned. Her last day <br /> will be May 10,2013. <br /> Councilmember Werner shared the results of a report on residential sales prices in Arden Hills <br /> that indicated that the average 2012 sales price of Arden Hills homes was $366,100, up from <br /> $276,000 in 2011. He acknowledged that sales price data was affected by sales in the new Fox <br /> Ridge development which were generally in the range of$450,000 to $550,000. <br /> Chair von Holtum thanked Councilmember Werner for providing the report and asked that <br /> copies be distributed to the rest of the Commission. <br />