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8/9/2013 10:23:54 AM
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8/9/2013 10:23:42 AM
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Any plan needs to have built in flexibility because market will change many times before a full build-out. <br />The site will need to be divided into much smaller pieces to accommodate an extended absorption period. <br />Important to engage a diverse set of stakeholders to communicate expectations and build capacity. <br />Audience Q&A <br />What about retail development?(yes, opportunity for some commercial) <br />How does this development affect the surrounding communities positively or negatively?(linkages are <br />crucial/Gen Y wants to stay connected; growth is good for surrounding communities; need to sustain <br />existing businesses and bring in new ones, not just jumping from one community to another) <br />Should the site be marketed nationally and internationally?(yes) <br />Plan has to be prescriptive enough to reflect values, flexible enough to allow developers, and what does a <br />master plan like that look like?(be a keeper of the vision over time; identify “sacred elements” of the site; <br />create frameworkand then let the market dictate) <br />Breakout Groups <br />Attendees visitedtwo of four stations focusing on specific topics of Commercial and Residential Development, <br />Transportation and Access, Environment/Energy/Sustainability, and Passive and Active Open Space. <br />Commercial and Residential Development Common Themes: <br />Mixed use development desired (good restaurants, housing/residential called out specifically as desired; <br />heavy industrial was undesired) <br />Focus on retail <br />Senior and affordable housing important <br />Balance with surrounding communities and greater Ramsey County <br />Develop land in phases according to access points, infrastructure development and cost, and cleanup <br />Consider departure from current development pattern with continuation of what makes Arden Hills a place <br />where people want to live their full lives <br />Transportation and Access Common Themes: <br />Look into incorporating transit on the site <br />Don’t build high-volume infrastructure <br />Neighborhood oriented streets (low-volume, tight grid) <br />Adequate connections to CR 96 and CR H <br />Multi-modal connections <br />Environment/Energy/Sustainability Common Themes: <br />Investigate regional stormwater systems; find creative ways to reuse stormwater <br />Open to using public financing for systems that make sense, i.e. result in lower overall energycosts, <br />payback over time <br />Capitalize on unique site features like topography and elevation <br />Finding a way to utilize the groundwater is of interest <br />Active and Passive Open Space Common Themes: <br />Investigate recreational and trail access to AHATS outside of the TCAAP reuse area <br />Incorporate significant amounts of greenspace on-site <br />Connect an extensive on-site park network to the external parks and trails system <br />Possibility of a greenspace facility that acts as regional draw to the site <br />Use a complete streets/active streets model for the roadway network <br />Plan early to maximize benefits of the park and trail system <br />August 2013 <br />
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