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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JUNE 24,2013 7 <br /> A. Resolution 2013-028: Approving the Rice Creek North Regional Trail Master <br /> Plan Amendment <br /> Greg Mack, Ramsey County Director of Parks and Recreation, thanked the Council for their <br /> time. He noted that the wildlife corridor was identified by the County as park land which allows <br /> for additional funding assistance for remediation of the property. Mr. Mack explained that <br /> Hoisington Koegler was hired by the County to assist with the project. <br /> Rita Trapp, Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., reviewed the Rice Creek North Regional Trail <br /> Master Plan Amendment it detail with the Council. She explained that the proposed area was <br /> crucial as it provides a four mile trail corridor from Anoka County to the Mississippi River. The <br /> evolution of the project was discussed. She noted that the master plan would be presented to the <br /> City of Shoreview, Ramsey County, and the M etropol i tan Counci I. She requested the Counci I's <br /> support for the plan this evening. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked for the location of the wildlife i 'dor. <br /> Mr.Mack discussed the location with the Council stating this was now formally established. <br /> Councilmember Holmes requested further information on the planned regional trail. <br /> Mr.Mack discussed the trail route and explained that the regional trail would connect at County <br /> Road H and from there would have a grade crossing at 13 5. He noted that this crossing was a <br /> priority to the County. <br /> Councilmember Hol reviewed the whereas statements with the consultants and requested the <br /> Rice Creek North Re Master Plan be referred to as(RCNRP)after its fist reference. <br /> Councilmember denkhed the County for fighting for this property and for providing such <br /> a wonderful trail plRWe also thanked Councilmember Holmes for her efforts. <br /> Mayor Grant agreed stating that he looked forward to seeing the trails completed as it would <br /> create a park asset to the entire region. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Werner seconded a <br /> motion to adopt Resolution 2013-028 — Supporting the Amendment of the <br /> Rice Creek North Regional Trail Master Plan as amended above. The <br /> motion carried(5-0). <br /> B. B-2 District Zoning Code Amendment and Country Financial Conditional Use <br /> Permit <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher indicated that the City has received a proposal <br /> from Bob Revoir,Cuslunnan&Wakefield,to obtain a CUP to allow a higher education use in the <br /> office building located at 2 Pine Tree Drive in the B-2 Zoning District.Mr.Revoir is a real estate <br /> broker representing Country Financial. Country Financial would like to lease space to Bethel <br /> University for administrative offices,classrooms,and meeting space. <br />