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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JUNE 24,2013 4 <br /> Public Works Director Maurer reported that the weather has been cooperating and work <br /> continues on the retaining wall on the northeast corner of the US Highway 10 and Highway 96 <br /> project. He stated that the bridge pier work and crushing will begin next week. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked how the crushed material will be used by the contractor. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer anticipated that this material will be used by the contractor as a. <br /> base material for US Highway 10 and Highway 96 due to the grade changes. <br /> C. Trees and Water Level at Lake Johanna <br /> Mayor Grant commented that tine recent storm caused some damage to trees throughout the City. <br /> He questioned if the damage sustained throughout the commiuuty warranted assistance from the <br /> City. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that he has driven the City and observed the tree dannage <br /> throughout the City with the majority of the damage concentrated in the southwest quadrant of the <br /> City. He noted that the Public Works crews were out working all weekend cleaning up debris <br /> from public streets and keeping the lift stations operating. t1,**timated that there were 10 to 15 <br /> trees that fell into City right-of-ways. He stated that the M of Shoreview is offering a debris <br /> pickup program over the next two weeks. The City of Rosevil. ill be offering pickup beginning <br /> July 8th and the City of St.Anthony will be picking up debris beginning July 1 st <br /> Public Works Director Maurer estimated that it would take the Public Works Department two <br /> weeks to provide a tree cleanup service for the entire City. He discussed how the work would be <br /> accomplished noting that some equipment may have to be rented to complete the task. He <br /> estimated that the City has received 60-70 calls regarding the matter. He requested that the <br /> Council discuss the matter and direct staff on how to proceed. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if staff had an estimate for the expense involved with providing tree debris <br /> pickup for the entire City. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that a clam truck and grinder would be needed and that <br /> this would cost the City$5,000-71,000 per piece to rent for two weeks. He recommended that the <br /> Council set specific begiruung and ending dates of debris pickup as well as establishing a <br /> maximum tree diameter allowance,if the work were approved. <br /> Councilmember Werner questioned if the damage from 2006 was comparable to the most recent <br /> storm. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer explained that the storm damage cleanup in 2006 took the <br /> Public Works Department two months to complete. He commented that the Public Works crew <br /> will be clearing up all tree damage in the City parks. <br /> Councilmember Holden wanted to see the City assist with the large tree hunks as this was the <br /> bigger concern for homeowners. <br />