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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL EDA MEETING—AUGUST 261, 2013 2 <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler indicated that the guidelines for the use of the RLF <br /> were first adopted in 1997, and since then, have not been updated. At the end of July 29, 2013, <br /> meeting, the EDA began to di scuss how the f unds i n the RL F cowl d be used to achi eve the City's <br /> economic development goals and whether the RLF guidelines should be updated to reflect <br /> changes in priorities. <br /> Community Development Intern Bachler noted that loans issued through the RLF will be <br /> regulated by the Minnesota Business Subsidy Law. Loans less than $75,000 are not considered <br /> business subsidies and are exempt from the provisions of this law. Any revised guidelines will <br /> need to be reviewed by the State Department of Employment and Economic Development prior <br /> to EDA and City Council approval. Staff reviewed several questions and requested guidance <br /> fi om the EDA on the Ci ty's goals and policies for the RLF. <br /> Executive Director Hutmacher commented that the Ci ty's current RLF policy is stricter than <br /> the State's pol i cy. She stated that the two key components within the policy at this time are for <br /> the City to avoid loalns over $75,000 and grants over $25,000. With these parameters in hind, <br /> she questioned how the Commission wanted to proceed with the program. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the State Business Subsidy Law, the City Business Subsidy Policy, <br /> and the size and scale of potential loans within the RLF program. <br /> President Grant was in favor of proceeding with smaller loans as thus would allow the program <br /> to reach more businesses within the community. <br /> EDA Commissioner McClung was not sure where he stood on this issue because the City had <br /> little experience with the RLF program. <br /> In response to the questions in the staff memo, EDA Commissioner Holden stated that she <br /> supports loans for commercial fagade improvements, that projects should have a grade of B or <br /> better, and that she was open to discussing forgiving a percentage of some loans. <br /> EDA Commissioner Holden stated that one goal of the program may be to encourage home <br /> occupations to expand into commercial areas within the City. She questioned if the EDC had <br /> discussed this issue. <br /> Executive Director Hutmacher explained that the EDC was waiting for EDA policy direction. <br /> She questioned if the EDA wanted to consider partial forgiveness on the loans or the parameters <br /> that should be set on the loans. <br /> EDA Commissioner McClung envisioned that this program would assist small businesses with <br /> expansion or to bring new businesses into the City. He noted that section 6.2.D of the City <br /> Business Subsidy Policy identifies priorities for giving subsidies. <br /> President Grant saw greater benefit in moving businesses to the commuunity. <br />