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09-19-11 Draft Minutes
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09-19-11 Draft Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 g <br /> Municipal Consent process, the City has 90 days from the public hearing to take action to <br /> approve, deny, or disapprove with conditions. The last City Council meeting within this 90 day <br /> window will be the September 26th regular meeting. If the Council takes no action, Municipal <br /> Consent is considered granted. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer further stated that the Council discussed the Municipal Consent <br /> action at the August 15th Work Session but gave no direction at that time. Ramsey County <br /> representatives attending that Work Session indicated they would take a closer look at traffic <br /> counts relative to movement loss in both the I-694 project and the proposed US 10/Highway 96 <br /> project. Ramsey County representatives are present to discuss that analysis and a report on their <br /> findings. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer explained that if the Council is considering a resolution <br /> disapproving the final layout with conditions required for approval, there seems to be three main <br /> issues: <br /> 1. The northbound US 10 access to eastbound Highway 96. <br /> 2. The neighborhood requested a noise wall for the southwest quadrant of the intersection. <br /> Mr. Dave Cmiel has suggested that the noise analysis could be looked at in a different <br /> manner which will make it entirely fundable by the project. Ramsey County has reviewed <br /> Mr. Cmiel's analysis and has determined that the noise wall is still not entirely fundable. <br /> 3. Timing of the projects is important as Mn/DOT has suggested the US 10/Highway 96 <br /> project could be constructed in 2012 along with the I-694 improvements. If this were to <br /> occur, the Hamline/Snelling crossing of I-694 would be closed at the same time that <br /> Highway 96 is closed due to the lowering of the roadway 22 feet. This would force all <br /> trips from north to south Arden Hills, including Public Works and Sheriff traffic, to use <br /> Lexington Avenue which will also have bridge widening work happening in 2012. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if Municipal Consent can be postponed. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that he thinks Municipal Consent should happen now and <br /> if the Council has concerns, address those concerns by attaching conditions. <br /> Mayor Grant stated that he would like to discuss the sound wall on the west side of US 10. He <br /> has read through the report and his interpretation is that a sound wall would be justified. <br /> Jim Tolaas, Ramsey County Public Works, stated that the process does require Municipal <br /> Consent within a specific period of time. He added that the County shares the City's concerns <br /> regarding the staging of these projects. He further explained that the state has everybody's interest <br /> at heart and their thought was to complete both bridges within one season to minimize the amount <br /> of down time on Highway 96 and shorten the amount of time the east/west connection was <br /> disrupted. He added that if they began the Lexington Avenue project later, it would then impact <br /> two construction seasons, but going into two construction seasons considering the 1-694 project <br /> might be better anyway. He suggested the Council add a condition that the state work diligently <br /> toward coming up with a plan that would look comprehensively at the work on I-694 and <br /> Highway 96 and make sure that all the movements and the timing are appropriate. <br />
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