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ECR-WSS <br />PRST STD <br />U.S. Postage Paid <br />Twin Cities, MN <br />Permit #1962 <br />Arden Hills, MN <br /> 55112-5734 <br />. <br />I <br />Water tower gets a fresh look <br />n <br />Green ideas for the holidays <br />s <br />Postal Customer <br />Snows coming <br />i <br />TCAAP open house meeting held <br />d <br />e <br />Notes from the City Council <br />T <br />he Arden Hills community was The Citys website organizes business business development and <br />invited to the State of the City on educate residents on the im- <br />Thursday, September 12, at Fla-on business districts, licenses, sign require-portance of the Citys business <br />hertys Arden Bowl. Attendees heard the ments, and business <br />latest news on the TCAAP project, County <br />Road E improvements, along with other The Twin Cities North Chamber of Com-The EDC consists of nine mem- <br />current development and transportation merce and the St. Paul Chamber of Com-bers who are appointed by the City Coun- <br />projects. The event was hosted by the Ar-merce co-host a monthly Shoreview-Arden cil. The Commissioners may be residents <br />den Hills City Council and the Economic Hills Business Council for local businesses or non-resident business representatives; <br />Development Commission (EDC). Over however at least four must be Arden Hills <br />the past several years, the City Council discuss public policy. The meeting is held residents. <br />and EDC have focused on identifying and on the third Wednesday of the month at <br />achieving economic development goals.7:30 a.m. at the Northeast Youth and Fam-There currently are vacant seats on the <br />ily Services Center on Lexington Avenue.EDC. For information about applying, con- <br />Goals include promoting the Citys identity tact City Hall or download an application <br />and brands by prioritizing locations for The EDC and the Communications Com-from the City website. <br />gateway signs to the City. In addition, the mittee have been collaborating to include <br />Arden Hills logo was included on the Red business-focused articles in nearly every <br />Fox Road water tower when the water City newsletter. The articles highlight Ed Werner, City Council <br />tower was repainted this fall. The logo <br />Keeping our drinking water safe <br />will be seen by over 100,000 people every <br />by Kristine Goodrich <br />day. Over the past several years, the City <br />The City purchases water from the Saint <br />A <br />and the EDC have increased their efforts to <br />rden Hills regularly monitors the <br />Paul Regional Water Services, which treats <br />quality of the City's drinking water <br />reach out and communicate with the busi- <br />water obtained from the Mississippi River <br />and issues an annual report. The 2012 <br />ness community. <br />report shows that the City's water is safe and the Chain of Lakes, and from wells in <br />to drink. Like most water supplies, water the Prairie Du Chien-Jordan aquifer. <br />The City Council, EDC commission- <br />in Arden Hills contains trace amounts <br />ers, and staff have been visiting new and <br />of some contaminants, many of which While the testing ensures water is safe at <br />expanding businesses in Arden Hills. Staff <br />are added as part of the water treatment the source, the plumbing at water users' <br />has also visited businesses in the B-2 and <br />process. But no containment level exproperties sometimes can contaminate wa <br />Round Lake/Gateway business districts to <br />-- <br />ceeded federal drinking water standards. ter with an unsafe level of lead. If a faucet <br />collect updated contact information and <br />Arden Hills water contains trace amounts hasn't been used in several hours, you can <br />keep businesses informed of public im- <br />reduce this risk by letting the faucet run <br />provement projects. In addition, staff will <br />copper, haloacetic acids, nitrate, trihalo <br />be visiting businesses in the Red Fox/Grey <br />- <br />methanes and chlorine. The 2012 report is your glass. You also can have your water <br />Fox district in early 2014. <br />posted on the City website.tested for lead. For more information go to <br /> <br />