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11-19-13 PTRC
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11-19-13 PTRC Packet
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11-19-13 PTRC Packet
11-19-13 PTRC Packet
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes October 15, 2013 <br />Page 2 <br />location. She also indicated it would be expensive to add splash pads since only three of <br />the parks have water. Council Liaison Holmes stated she felt it would be a great amenity <br />and suggested utilizing the Arden Hills Foundation if the committee has a specific <br />purpose for a splash pad. Ms. Olson indicated she would look into the cost of a splash <br />pad and the cost of water hookup, but will first have the City engineer look at it since <br />there could be an issue with water hookup. Ms. Olson asked the committee which park <br />they had in mind for the splash pad and it was the consensus of the committee to have it <br />at Hazelnut Park. <br /> <br />There were also comments about adding permanent bathrooms at Hazelnut and leaving <br />the bathrooms unlocked during the day at the parks that have pavilions. Ms. Olson <br />indicated she felt the bathrooms would be vandalized even more if left open and there <br />would be a maintenance issue as staff would need to hire a part time seasonal to unlock <br />and monitor the bathrooms. <br /> <br />Chair <br />she felt were easy fixes. Council Liaison Holmes stated she felt the points brought up in <br />the survey were reflective of things she has heard. She suggested that staff divide up the <br />comments by park and that way they could focus on each park and see what the issues <br />are and which issues would be easy fixes. It was also suggested that staff have a section <br />on trail comments as well as comments by park. Ms. Olson indicated some of the <br />comments were inaccurate because the residents were not aware of what actually <br />transpired. She indicated that, for example, the comment about the resurfacing at Floral <br />Park that did not turn out, is not accurate. Ms. Olson explained the City started to <br />resurface Floral and found there was a coating left on the trails from a prior time that was <br />not allowing the resurface to adhere. Therefore the resurfacing was stopped at that <br />location and instead was done at the Elmer L. Andersen Trail. She stated that Floral was <br />never finished as the comment indicated and staff is still looking at options for <br />resurfacing that area. Chair Osuggested that a letter be sent to the residents <br />explaining the resurfacing problem so they are aware of what is going on. It was the <br />consensus of the committee that staff prepare a report for the newsletter and also provide <br />a link to the report on the City website. <br /> <br />Ms. Olson indicated that she felt residents, for the most part, are satisfied with the park <br />and recreation programs the City offers and that currently there is more of a demand for <br />preschool classes. It was suggested that a link be provided to the Shoreview and New <br />Brighton park and recreation offerings on the City website and in the recreation guide. <br /> <br />It was noted that there was a comment about the Night to Unite. Council Liaison Holmes <br />indicated that most neighborhoods with a Neighborhood Watch hold a Night to Unite. It <br />was felt the City should put an article in the newsletter informing residents how to go <br />about having a Night to Unite. Committee Member Peck informed that Ramsey County <br />hosts a dinner for the captains who are organizing such an event and they provide the <br />captains with kits for planning the Neighborhood Night Out. <br /> <br />woodchip levels being low. Ms. <br />Olson indicated the City is on a 2-3 year replacement schedule and that the levels do <br />
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