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� <br />EN HILLS <br />n��n�o��vnuM <br />DATE: �a�eh 26, 2�}12 <br />fiU: HQnarable Mayor ar�,d City Cvuncilmembers <br />Patrick Klaers, City A�lminisi�°ator <br />FROM: Michel�e C31san, Parks and Recreation Manager '97� <br />SUBJECT: Resvl�atiQn 2D12-€ltl�: Supparting the Local Trail Cannectians Prograan <br />Gr�t Application made to the Min�esota Depa�tme�t of Natural Resources <br />�ackground <br />St�ff has been preparin� an app�icatian far a Local Trail Cc�nnectians Prograin throug� ihe <br />�innescrta I]epartment of Nat�rr�l iZesources far the creatian of an of# street shared use <br />pai�way along the vvest side Q�` C?ld �nelling Ar�enue fram Valentine �ark a�►d La�ce <br />Valentine Rc�ad ta Caun�y Raad E2. Ma�as �f the propose� profect are in�luded far Council <br />rewiew �A�ta.�hment A}, The �ppl��atior� deadline is Fric�ty, March 3(�, 2012. The City was <br />successful in acquiri�g this grar�t in Z��QS f�r the Perry Park Paihw�y. <br />This pathway is li�t�d high on the Farks Traiis and R.�creatzon Comrnittee's privrities fc�r <br />pra�ased traiis. In additicsn, the neig��arhaod meetings fnr the �Talentine Park <br />reconstruetian identified this as a priarity %r the residea�ts. This pr�posed paihway will <br />pravide a safe route fi�r residen#s �ran:z the Valentine Park neighbonc�r�rd iv Ct�uniy Road <br />E2. Ir� addition, it will cre�.te irnpart�.nt trail cor�nec�ions to Valentine Hills Elementary, <br />Perry Park an� Tony Sch�n�dt Regianal Park. <br />The Lveal Trail Co�nectians Program is intended to accelerate local tr�il conraecticans to <br />plar�ed and existing stat+e trails and ather puhlie facilifaes, naf to create srgni�can� new <br />r��reational t�ails. Its primary purpose is tr� �arr�plete car�nectians beiween where pe�p�e <br />li�e (e.g. residentiai areas within citiesa entir� comm�aniti�s) and s�gnifacant public <br />r�saurces (e.g. historical areas, open s�ace, park� andlar other trails}. Grar��s are a�vard�d <br />fc�r t�ie acquisitian anc� deVelQp�ner�t �rf cannectin� trails and f�r removai v� baxriers t�at <br />impede f�li access to i�tese facilities. P�iority has b�en gi�en to pr€�jects that seek to <br />devetc�p residet��iai caritiectia�s to st�ate and regivnal �acilities and to li�k existin� trail <br />systems. <br />Page 1 af 3 <br />F:1PR�PW1PaakslMem�slCot�ncii Mcmas103262U12 Rcsolutaan 2012-OQS 5t�ppnrting DNA Lo�xl Trail Cc�naections Ymgrarn,doc <br />