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� <br />�SR,�EN HILLS <br />1VIEMOI�ANDUM <br />DATE: March 26, 2012 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br />Patrick Klaers, City Administrator <br />FROM: Meagan Beekman, City Planner � <br />SUBJECT: Planning Case #12-005 <br />Applicant: Christine Osgood, 1268 Amble Road <br />Sulbject: Conditional Use Permit — Class II Home Occupation <br />Requested Action <br />Approve Planning Case 12-005 to allow a Conditional Use Permit for a Class II Home <br />Occupation at 1268 Amble Road, based on the findings of fact and submitted application, as <br />amended by the conditions of approval in the March 26, 2012 report to the City Council. <br />Back�round <br />The property is located at 1268 Amble Road and is zoned R-1. The applicant is a licensed <br />therapist and is seeking to convert one of the rooms in her home into a home office where she <br />will see a limited number of clients for the purpose of marriage and family counseling. <br />According to the applicant, the business would be by appointment only and would not involve <br />any signage or changes to the exterior of the structure. <br />According the applicant, all requirements, as listed above would be met with the exception of the <br />off-street parking requirement. The applicant is proposing to host a once-monthly seminar, <br />which would require parking for up to five vehicles. According to the regulation, no more than <br />two additional vehicles may be permitted for a home occupation, and no more than four vehicles <br />are permitted to be parked in any driveway in a residential district. <br />The Code does not dictate parking allowances for on-street parking, other than regulating the <br />parking of vehicles over night, nor does the Code regulate the number of vehicles a home can <br />City of Arc%n Hills <br />City Council Meeting for March 26, 2012 <br />P: IAdminiCouncillAgendas & Packet Information12012103-26-12 Reg MtglPacket Information103-26-12 -1268 Amble Road CUP - Memo.doc <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />