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� <br />EN HILLS <br />n�E�rvRa�v�vM <br />DAT�: March 26} 2012 <br />T(.�: Honvrable Mayar and Ci(.y Cnu�ciIrnemhers <br />P�trick �Iaers, City At�m�nistratc�r <br />FR£�M: ierry Maurer, Publi� Warks Directc�r � <br />SUBJECT: TdP(} W��"�l17Affi PiiiCll�S� <br />Baekgraund <br />The 2�] 2 Eq�aipt�ent CIP con�ains a� iteax� for replac�ment caf a 1997 T�rt� Warkman <br />used for ba�l fieid dragging, lane application �r►d spray4mg gf �rass areas. The 20i2 CIP <br />budgeted amo€�nt f�ar this acq�isitic�n is $28,Q40; $26,5�3� #�orri th� Ecpuipme�t <br />1Zeplace�e�t Fund and $1,50€� far an estimated trade-in valrae for the o�c� machine. A <br />copy af the CIP sh�e� is attached. Alsca attached is a stock Taro �ahotagraph c�f a <br />Warkmart. <br />This pieee c�f equipment is used daily in the sumiaaer monil�s fc�r rr�aintaining the aihle�ie <br />fields. It xs used for applying li�nes a� sa��cer and �flfihall felds, dragging af non-grass <br />portivns af the iields and fo�r application c�f chemicals on the grass portions. <br />The Ceneral Services Administra.tit�n (GSA) Coniract canta.ins thes� ty�es of pieces af <br />equipmen�. Therefore, it is praposed ta ma,ice the purchase thrc�ugh t.�e CiSA �ricing. The <br />basic Toro Warkma�. HD�, 2 W1.7, 31.5 hp unii is $ i 8,73G.22; the Rahn Groomer <br />aitach�ent for dra�;ging fieids is $2,2Q�; the skid mo�t li�e paint ua�it is $2,5b5; and a <br />�75 �allon tank mixing systern (sc� iine paint does nat have to be mixed frc�rn 5�a11on <br />c.ans) is $420. The ioia� cQst of ih� Torc� Wcrrkma.� pius a�� the acce�saries is �23,92I .22. <br />Adding sales tax the tatal �osi is $25,624.41. <br />The estimated trade-in �alue of ihe 1997 Tvrc� Wop�man is only $i�[3. 5in�e the trade-in <br />�atue i5 sa lr�w and the new equiprnent is within the budgeted amvunt fr�ar� the <br />Equipmen� Replaeement Furrd, �taff wc�u�d sug�est keeping the o�d piece of eq�xiprr�ent <br />and �xsin� ii for Hwy 9b rnedian mainten�a.n.nce a�d trail m��ntenance issues until repair <br />City Cnunci! Nfeeting P:lAdminlCouncillAgendas & Paefcei Informatianl20121U3-I9-12 Jaint W?c Sessi <br />P&ge 1 af � <br />