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� <br />�i D�ENl�HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: March 26, 2012 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br />Patrick Klaers, City Administrator <br />FROM: Terry Maurer, Public Works Director .�� <br />SUBJECT: Letter of Support for Ramsey County <br />Background <br />Ramsey County is submitting another Transportation and Economic Development (TED) <br />application for funding for Lexington Avenue Improvements from just south of I-694 to <br />north of County Road F. The County did apply for this funding once before but was not <br />selected because of a more strict criteria. Apparently this year's solicitation is less <br />interchange specific so the County thinks Lexington Avenue is a good project. They are <br />asking for a letter of support from the City for their application. The City provided a <br />similar letter of support for the last unsuccessful application. <br />Attached is the e-mail from Joe Lux asking for the letter of support and the letter I have <br />prepared. Given City Council approval I will forward the letter to Ramsey County. <br />Council Action Requested <br />Approve providing a letter of support to Ramsey County for the TED funding application <br />for the Lexington Avenue improvements. <br />City Council Meeting <br />C:\Users\sonja.klingberg\Desktop\3-26-12Letterof SupportRamseyCo.doc <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />