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� <br />-���T�LL� <br />��rv�o�A�nvnz <br />DATE: March 26a 2�}12 <br />T�d: �atrick Klaers, Ci�y Aclministratar <br />Hon�ra�r�e Mayc�r and City �o�ncil Me�bers <br />FR+QM: �1liichelle �31s�n, Farks and Recreat�c�n 2Vianager i� <br />ST.]B.T�CT: Resal�ttir�n 1Va. 2t112-�[�9: Appointing Ja�e Larsor� t+a ��rve c�n t�e Parks Trai�s <br />a.r�d Recreation Cc�m�nittee far a term expiring Dee�mber 31, 2013. <br />I3a�k�round <br />Tta� Parks Traf ls and Recreat�ora Cammit�ee �PTI�tC) c�rrently has n�n�e members. The <br />g�id.eli�.es state that tl�is cflrnmi�tee can ha�e u� i� �wel�e �nembers. Therefore, th� PTRC has <br />three c�u-rent vacancies. Siaff xeeently received an application for one af these �aeartci�s fram <br />.iane Larson. T�e applica.t�on far Jane Larson has been incluc�ec� for yaur review (Atiaeh�ent <br />A}. Council Liaison Bre�da Holden, PTI�C Chair Cindy G�t-retson and I eonducted ar► i�►terview <br />vf Ms. L.arson an Tuesday, March 2�, �i312. After coYnpleting lhe it�ter�iew� the panel <br />reca�nmends (Reso�utian 2012-Oi39 - Atta�lament B} 3ane L�rsan far appaintment ta tY�e PTRC. <br />�arnmittee terms rotaie a�d �here �e currently three npen terms a�ailabie: �'wa� thai expire in <br />2D 12 arad �ne in 2(113. Ms. Larsan indicates that s�e is interested in the te�m that ex�ires rn <br />2Q�3. <br />Recvrnmend�d Action; <br />Motioza tr� a�apra�� Re�alutic�n I�o. 2Q 12-fl[l9; Appointing ]ane Lars�an to ihe Parks Trai�s anc� <br />Recreaiiorr Cornmitt�e (PTRC} for a te� expiring Dece�zaber 3�, 2013. <br />11Melro-inct.uslardcnhillslPR8cAWlParksiMemos4Counci[ MemaslltesoCutior� 2412-(?04 appvinting Janc I�arscn to PTRC.doc <br />