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8A, Old Snelling Feasibility Study
City Council
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8A, Old Snelling Feasibility Study
Entry Properties
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11/18/2013 12:27:32 PM
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Narn and Asst�ciate�, ��� C7�d �nelling Avenue bridge r�.ay be eligible for fi.tnding in the nexi <br />c�uple c�f year�. A� this time, t�e ti�neiine far suhrnitting a grant ap�licatian is unk��own a�d the <br />a�r��lability of �r�.nt funds depends an the �umber of applications recei�ed by the Stat�. <br />P��LIMINARY ASSES�MENTS <br />Assessrr�ent Pc�licv <br />Assessrr�,ents will t�e lewied to the benefiitin� pro�erties as autiined in Mit7t�esata State Siatute <br />Chapter 429. The City's Assessment Folicy is ta assess 5�% of the oVerall street impr��ements <br />costs in.cludi�� cantin�encies ar�d ���rhead to the benef tting �roperties. The as�ess�d amaunt is <br />leWied c�n a unit basis. The Pa�icy alsa includes a prQvisaon ihat statcs that the City Cc�uncil may <br />deviate Prorn any por[ion of the As�essmeni Palicy as deemed a�pr��a�-iate. <br />Assessak�lc I'roperti�s, <br />`I'here are twa c�if'ferent iy�es af proper�ies �hat abut tY�e prc�poscd impro�ements; single-family <br />prQperties (R-1 zonin�) and t�-exernpi +[Ciiy-owr�ed� properties. There are no cvmmexcial <br />prvperties that a}aut the praposed impr��ements. The follawin� c�iscuss�es the prapased nurnber <br />of a.ssessabte unifs f�ar eaeh type af prc�perty fQlic�wed �ay �hc pr�liminary assessments. <br />Sin�1e-I'amily Residential Properties <br />"!`he Yolicy states that "a11 resideniially zaned pro�erties with frantage abutiizig a street thai is <br />averl�id with bit�min�us shall be assessed on a per ur�it basis at the resideniial equi�alent <br />assessment rate." A lt�t �nit is de�'in+cd in the Assess�nent Policy as a platted sin�le-iarnily <br />residential lot or equi�al�nt, which cannot be further subd`€�ided for R-1 and R-2 residential <br />use accar�i�ng to the eurrent City Cade. �l. praperty that has dauble fr�ntage or i5 a corner lots <br />is assessed one unat based a� the street, used �ar the rnaiiin� address; this has been factored <br />into �he prelimin�y assessrnent rall. <br />All of ihe proper[ie� iha� ha�� a m�.iling address on Snelling A�enue are sin�le-family <br />resideniia.l properties and wili be considere� as a Resident�al EquiValent Unit (R.EU}. There <br />are severa.� parcels an eorncrs or that front two str�ets. A11 of tl�ese parceIs address +�ff �f t,he <br />s[reet �ther #han Sneliing, and haVc bcen or will b� assessed at the tirne those streeis are <br />im�ro�ed. <br />According tca the Ciiy's Cvde, the mir�imum lot standard includes 9S feet af front #aatage <br />{1�35 feet for �arner I�rts}, a�ot depth a�' 130 feet, and a minirn�n lc�t size af 14,(}�0 square <br />feei. Gity staff ana�yz�d the la.rger �ar�els adjacent to the p�ayect, While there a number <br />af iQts dn Sne�ling Avenue that are lacge enQugh to subdivide by s�uare, they do n�t <br />meet the frontage or dep�th requirern�nts, or they ar� ccavered by a wetland, whi�� is not <br />cc+nsidered buildable area. <br />There are 25 residene�s alang th�e p�c�ject �a� wvuld recei�ae a direct ben�fit fram ila.e <br />impra�ernent� and wauld }�e eli�ible for assessrr�ents in accardance tivith th� City's <br />Assessment Pc�licy. <br />7 <br />
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