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� <br />� �� <br />MEll�QRANUi]M <br />DATE: Marc� 2G, 2�I� <br />T�D; Honnrable Mayv� ar�d City C+�uncilmembers <br />Patrnck Klaers, City AdminisYrata�- <br />�'RCIM: Terry Maurer, Puk�lic Works Direci+nr <br />Jc�nn Ande�sun, Assistant City Engineer <br />SLiSJECT: [31d �neTling Feasibili%y Study <br />Back raund <br />Earlier this year the City Council autharized the p�eparatian �f the FeasibiYity S€ut�y for <br />t,he re�abilitation of �Id �nellin� Avenue frvm Caunty Raa� E to TH 5 i. This Study <br />fo�tows the December ZO1 � Scc�ping L7ocurrae�t that la�ked �t �arivus aptians for �he <br />carnidc�r. Alsa in December Z�11 #he City Co�ncil �n�;aged K�iaaiey I�orn ta prepare �inal <br />p��ns fvr the recoa�str��cti�n af �he br�d�e at the south end of ihe cc�rridcrr in an effo�t to <br />see�re State Br�dge Bondi�g �ands to assist zn the replaeement cc�st. <br />It is unlikely that State �rid�e Bonain� f�nds will be able to t�e se�ured �ntii 2013 at tl�e <br />ear�iest. Since t�e rehabilitation c�f ihe street surface ar�d the rep�a�ement af the brid�e <br />will both cause c�isruptian to the mc�t�ring publ�c it is recammend�;d ihat �ath projects be <br />done durin� the same cc3r��tructic�n season. Sinee it �s unciear at this time wl�en fi�nc�ing <br />ta assist with th� br�dge replacement will be se�ured, s�aff reco�rrxends that road <br />r�habilitation remain i� the CIP bur the xctual year n�t be es���Iish�d until bridge <br />replacement funds are secured. <br />A�c�ther issue with tY�e street �e�ahilit�.tian projeci �s the ina�ility t� fall�vv the City's <br />Asse�sment Palicy. The carridar is appraxi�nately 4,3f1[] feet lang ($,600 feet af <br />frantage} but anly �a� Z5 assess�b��e parcels; properties thai acfually haVe frflntage an the <br />street. T�e City's Asscssment Pol�cy calls for 5Q% af the street c�st �a be asse�se� tca the <br />bene�itting proper�ies but with only �5 properties this calcu�atio� will result in a lar�� un- <br />su�tainable as�essment agai�si e�.ch prage�ty. The Study recommen+3s �hat the Iast <br />assessment ra�e fflr a similar type street irr�pro�ement b� �ase� as the base line andl then <br />that rate be increas�ed by the Construction �Cast Inde�c (+GCI) as published by the <br />Cvnstruction 1'�ews Recard. <br />Ciiy Coua�cil Meeting <br />C:lUserslsonja.klingberglF]eslctop13--26-12OIdSnellir���eas.doc <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />