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05-14-12-WS Draft Minutes
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05-14-12-WS Draft Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION —MAY 14, 2012 2 <br /> Tim Boehlke, Fire Chief of the Lake Johanna Fire Department, explained that Allina is the <br /> primary responder for all three cities in the Lake Johanna Fire Department. He stated Allina had <br /> its base in Arden Hills for many years. He indicated Allina approached the Fire Department two <br /> years ago about the possibility of placing an ambulance at Fire Station #1. This was not their <br /> ideal location, but was the only location available in the southern portion of the City. He stated <br /> this current situation is a trial period and the location would be evaluated to see if it assists in <br /> response times. <br /> Fire Chief Boehlke commented that Allina would be paying rent or reducing training expenses in <br /> the future if this becomes a permanent location. <br /> Mayor Grant questioned why this information was not provided to the Council in September <br /> when the City was told response times would not be jeopardized with the move to Mounds View. <br /> Mike Pintar, Allina Medical Transportation, commented that response times have not gotten <br /> worse. He explained that he was working to preserve response times in the City of Arden Hills. <br /> He indicated Fire Station #1 provides a positive partnership allowing staff to use facilities and to <br /> get out of the vehicle in between calls. Mr. Pintar stated the Mounds View location was also <br /> adequate but considering the numerous road closures planned for this summer, the ambulance was <br /> moved to not affect response times. <br /> Fire Chief Boehlke explained the ambulances are located at numerous fire stations, not just Fire <br /> Station #1 in Arden Hills. He indicated there were ambulances located at the Anoka Fire Station, <br /> Fridley Fire Station, Blaine Fire Station and the Vadnais Heights Fire Station. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if the fire station on Victoria could be used for the ambulance location. <br /> Mr. Pintar stated this was the Fire Department's smallest location. He explained the facility <br /> would be used by the paramedics along with the fire crew. <br /> Councilmember Holden indicated it wasn't new to have lights and sirens coming from the fire <br /> station when there was an emergency. She understood that ambulances have been parked at this <br /> location in the past. <br /> Mayor Grant understood that ambulances have been parked at Fire Station 41 in the past, but <br /> now they were using the facility as a post. He questioned what hours of the day an ambulance <br /> would be located at Fire Station#1 <br /> Fire Chief Boehlke commented that an ambulance would be located at Fire Station 4124 hours a <br /> day, or be within a several mile radius from this location. He noted routine calls did not require <br /> lights and sirens. This happened for 35% of the calls. <br /> Mr. Pintar stated this would vary depending on the call level in the City. He explained there <br /> were 92 emergency calls in April that required lights and sirens. He noted the drivers did not have <br /> to use lights and sirens to clear traffic in the overnight hours. <br /> Mayor Grant asked how many complaints have been made to the fire station. <br />
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