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05-21-13-WS Draft Minutes
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05-21-13-WS Draft Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—MAY 21, 2012 11 <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher stated the amount of time required from Staff <br /> was a concern in addition to the timing of the videos and how they would align with the City's <br /> new website. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned what would be the proposed size for the CGI link on the <br /> City's website. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher stated 150 by 35 pixels would be the <br /> recommended size. <br /> Councilmember Holmes questioned if the videos could be completed in house with the <br /> assistance of an intern. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher explained it would be cheaper to proceed with <br /> CGI. If the Council was not comfortable with the potential advertising, the City could investigate <br /> completing one video tour on Arden Hills. <br /> Mayor Grant was in favor of moving forward with the project so long as the advertising letter <br /> could be edited to assure the business owners were made aware the advertisement was for CGI <br /> and not endorsed by the City of Arden Hills. In addition, there was no obligation for the local <br /> businesses to participate. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher recommended attaching an edited letter to the <br /> CGI contract to assure they review it prior to contract approval. <br /> Director of Finance and Administrative Services Iverson asked if the work would be <br /> completed in 2012. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher was uncertain if the work could be completed in <br /> 2012, but wanted to leave space on the City's website for the CGI link on the home page if the <br /> project were to proceed. She would have to discuss the schedule further with CGI and anticipated <br /> the three year contract would begin in 2013. <br /> Councilmember Holmes was in favor of proceeding with the project. <br /> Mayor Grant questioned if the City would have a better product if C-TV were contacted. He <br /> inquired if cable franchise fees could be used to complete this task. <br /> Councilmember Holden was in favor of contacting C-TV as well stating this would allow for the <br /> information to be posted on the City's website and shared on C-TV. <br /> Director of Finance and Administrative Services Iverson indicated cable funds could be used <br /> for this project in addition to the 100 hours available through the contract. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher explained that by having the project completed <br /> locally, this would create greater freedom for the City and where the link would be located on the <br /> City's web page. <br />
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