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05-21-13-WS Draft Minutes
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05-21-13-WS Draft Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—MAY 21, 2012 2 <br /> Council in 2012, and the Council has been working with the Economic Development Commission <br /> on this issue. At the December 19, 2011, work session meeting, the Council directed Staff to <br /> move forward with obtaining design and quotes for two signs to be installed in 2012, at the <br /> following two locations: County Road D and Lake Johanna Boulevard; and at County Road E at <br /> Lexington Avenue. <br /> City Planner Beekman explained the 2012-2016 CIP identifies $140,000 over three years for the <br /> installation of six gateway signs. It has been assumed that the cost of each gateway sign, with <br /> installation, lighting and landscaping would be approximately $25,000. In 2012, the CIP <br /> designates $65,000 for gateway sign installation which assumes two signs at a cost of $25,000 <br /> each, and a sign at Arden Plaza for a cost of$15,000 as the developer has agreed to pay for the <br /> sign base. <br /> City Planner Beekman commented Staff has met with two local sign contractors asking each to <br /> design several possible monument signs, and include price quotes for each. The only direction <br /> given to the contractors was that the City wanted a high quality design with long-lasting materials <br /> for a cost of less than $20,000 per sign. The quotes do not include the cost of lighting or <br /> landscaping, but do include installation. The quotes range in price from $7,600 to $12,900. Both <br /> sign companies have similar pricing in terms of installation and sign cost, though the designs vary <br /> in style and appearance. <br /> City Planner Beekman explained the sign quotes were much lower than Staff had anticipated, <br /> and that is due, in part, to the composite material that both sign companies propose to use. The <br /> sign would be made out of high density polyurethane, which is molded to imitate real brick or <br /> stone finishes. Staff found the material is long lasting and maintenance free. She requested the <br /> Council discuss the sign options and provide direction on a preferred sign contractor, sign design <br /> and use of budgeted funds. She suggested the Council also consider the height of each sign when <br /> making recommendations this evening. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if the material could withstand spray paint. <br /> City Planner Beekman commented Public Works Staff could attempt to remove spray paint, and <br /> if it could not be removed the panels were fairly inexpensive to replace, when compared to a brick <br /> and mortar sign. <br /> Councilmember Holmes noted Fourth Dimension Architectural Signage was located in Arden <br /> Hills and did really good work. She recommended the City work with this contractor. <br /> Councilmember Holden agreed stating she toured this facility last year. <br /> Mayor Grant commented the sign material was able to be hit by a hammer, but he recommended <br /> the Public Works Department be cautious with mowers and trimmers near the sign material. <br /> Councilmember Tamble explained he liked the flat-top sign presented at the last work session <br /> meeting. In addition, he would be in favor of an elevated sign to separate the sign from the <br /> landscaping. He suggested placing real stone in front of the signs further enhances the look of the <br /> stone sign. <br />
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