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05-21-13-WS Draft Minutes
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05-21-13-WS Draft Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—MAY 21, 2012 7 <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson commented the purpose of implementing a management <br /> plan is to attempt to mitigate the disruption to the City's urban forest caused by the infestation of <br /> the EAB. She encouraged the Council to take a proactive approach to the potential infestation as <br /> this would enable the City to address both public and private impacts in an efficient and effective <br /> manner. Staff researched the management plans established by surrounding cities and did not <br /> recommend treating trees at this time. She then reviewed actions the Council could take such as <br /> removing ash trees or replanting with new tree species. <br /> Councilmember Holmes was in favor of removing declining trees, but not healthy ash trees. <br /> Councilmember Werner indicated there were many parallels between EAB and Dutch Elm <br /> Disease. He was not in favor of removing all trees until there was a decline in the ash tree <br /> population. <br /> Mayor Grant commented it would be difficult for the City to slow the progress of the ash borers <br /> given the number of ash trees in the City. <br /> Councilmember Holden was in favor of securing or protecting the trees in Arden Manor. <br /> Mayor Grant suggested replanting new trees in Arden Manor. <br /> Councilmember Tamble stated the disease was not old enough to know how fast it will spread <br /> each year. He indicated he could make several calls to discuss new treatment options. He <br /> opposed cutting down healthy trees. <br /> Parks and Recreation Director Olson indicated residents may be interested in treating their own <br /> private trees. <br /> Councilmember Holden commented there has been some success on the East Coast with treating <br /> EAB with wasps. This may be an option for Arden Hills homeowners. <br /> Mayor Grant summarized that the Council was not in favor with options one through three <br /> within the Staff report. However, the Council did support the removal or trimming of declining <br /> trees. <br /> Councilmember Holmes questioned if the City had funds budgeted for tree trimming, removal <br /> and replacement. <br /> Parks and Recreation Director Olson stated funds were available within the CIP for tree <br /> removal over the next five years. She explained that additional funds may need to be added for <br /> tree replacement. <br /> Councilmember Holden commented she did not feel tree replacement on a one-to-one basis was <br /> necessary as some trees were planted so closely in the past,this would not be needed. <br /> Councilmember Tamble suggested a tree be replanted within the City somewhere, even if not in <br /> the same exact location as the removed ash tree. <br />
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