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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—OCTOBER 14, 2013 10 <br /> gateway sign be about 50% larger, roughly 15 feet wide by 9 feet tall at the highest point. Mr. <br /> Higgins estimated that this sign would cost approximately $24,070 to manufacture and install. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer indicated that staff also met with Mr. Tamble at the site to <br /> discuss landscaping around the sign. With the natural setting and lack of water for an irrigation <br /> system, Mr. Tamble is suggesting limestone rock outcroppings cascading down the slight incline <br /> from the sign location with some plants and shrub material that are more draught tolerant. Mr. <br /> Tamble estimates $7,500 should be budgeted for landscaping. This cost would be reduced with <br /> City crews' help. He requested the Council discuss the matter further and direct staff on how to <br /> proceed. <br /> Councilmember Werner asked if the sign would be slanted to face the west for viewing. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer discussed how the sign would be positioned at the intersection. <br /> He explained that some of the vegetation would have to be cleared out and mowed down to assist <br /> in making the sign more visible. <br /> Councilmember Holmes commented that she was not in favor of putting a sign at this corner of <br /> the intersection given the poor visibility. She recommended the sign be located near the office <br /> building. <br /> Councilmember McClung opposed the gateway sign and expressed concern with the growing <br /> size, scale and expense of the project. He suggested that the expense for the sign be invested in <br /> the City's parks. <br /> Councilmember Holden supported the gateway signs as they assisted in branding the City of <br /> Arden Hills and were a priority for the Council. She suggested the sign be placed near the office <br /> building as the area was already mowed. <br /> Mayor Grant wanted to see the gateway sign move forward, however, he was not convinced this <br /> corner of the intersection was the proper location. He stated he was surprised by the proposed <br /> expense. <br /> Councilmember Werner indicated that the south side of the intersection may be a better fit for <br /> the gateway sign. The sign would be in a manicured location and the size could be reduced. <br /> Councilmember Holden suggested the sign proceed on the south corner of the intersection to <br /> assure it could be completed yet this fall. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer estimated the cost for the gateway sign would be reduced by half <br /> if the sign were moved to the south corner of this intersection. He commented that the sign would <br /> have to be pushed back from Cleveland Avenue to assure that sight lines were clear. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Mayor Grant seconded a motion to <br /> proceed with a 6' x 10' gateway sign and landscaping on the south corner of <br /> County Road E-2 and 35W for a cost not to exceed $17,000. The motion <br /> carried (4-1) (McClung opposed). <br />