Laserfiche WebLink Members of changes to end user computing devices <br /> <br />that are driven by the System, i.e., Operating System compatibil <br />issues. <br /> call troubleshooting for System software. <br /> <br />5.6.3Member Responsibilities. Each Member is responsible for the following end <br /> <br />user computing device hardware, software, and services: <br /> and maintaining end user computing devices and <br /> <br />associated software for use of Member personnel. <br /> that end user computing devices and associated <br /> <br />software that will be used to access the System comply with <br />standard specifications established by the CAD System Vendor. <br /> and maintaining all non-System related (third-party) <br /> <br />software, hardware and peripherals on end user computing <br />devices. <br /> any Member decide to install additional third- <br /> <br />party software on, or alter the configuration of, its end <br />user computing devices, it does so at its own risk. <br />Members must provide staff capable of providing <br />support for the preparation, installation, maintenance <br />and upgrades of such additional software. The County <br />will test additional software for compatibility with the <br />System at the request of Members. Such testing will be <br />charged to the requesting Member. <br /> operating systems, applications and web browsers on <br /> <br />Member end user computing devices up to date by applying <br />appropriate patches, updates and upgrades in a timely manner, <br />and according to standards to be developed per section 10. <br />5.7Fire Department Alerting <br /> <br />5.7.1Definitions: <br /> <br /> Department Alerting means the process and method used by <br /> <br />the ECC to notify an agency that a call for service exists. This <br />process begins at the dispatch console when a call is received a <br />continues through the System until the notification is received by <br />any or all of the following means: the Fire Station Controller, a <br />two-tone voice paging device, or a messaging device that receives <br />email, text, SMS, etc. <br /> Station Alerting means the process and method used by the <br /> <br />Fire Station Controller to disseminate the alert within the station <br />(using peripheral devices such as speakers, lights, menu boards, <br />CAD and Mobile Data Agreement Ramsey County and User Members Page 13 of 48 <br /> <br />