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01-14-14 PTRC
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01-14-14 PTRC
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1-14-14 PTRC Packet
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1-14-14 PTRC Packet
1-14-14 PTRC Packet
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes November 19, 2013 <br />Page 2 <br />whether they do or do not pay taxes. This would be a different revenue source for the <br />City to help finance capital outlay projects that the City has. This fee would be passed <br />through Xcel and then ultimately to the property owner. The fee they are discussing <br />would be about $4.75 ($3 for electric and $1.75 for gas) a month which amounts to $57 a <br />year for the property owner. At this time, they are not sure how it will impact the non- <br />residential customers. The numbers in mention would generate about $400,000 a year <br />for the City and the Council has talked about using these monies for parks, trails, and <br />streets. City Administrator Klaers indicated this could help with some of the needs that <br />were pointed out in the Parks and Recreation Community Survey and some of the needs <br />that the City Council has identified, particularly trails. He indicated a lot of cities have <br />gone to franchise fees as a revenue source for a variety of reasons. He informed that <br />there will be public hearings February 10 and February 24 and once Council gets that <br />input they will make a decision. If Council decides to move forward they have talked <br />about the program being implemented January 2015. <br /> <br />City Administrator Klaers reported that staff plans on doing an insert to the utility bill so <br />that residents get some information about the franchise fees and to also invite them to the <br />public hearings so they can give their input. He stated the master plan, survey results, <br />PTRC will all be considered when determining what <br />the highest priorities are for parks and trails. Ms. Holmes indicated she felt it was <br />important for the PTRC to attend the public hearing in support of the franchise fee since <br />the plan is to use a large portion of the revenue for trails. <br /> <br />B. Parks and Recreation Community Survey Follow-Up <br />Staff provided the comprehensive results of the community survey for the committee <br />members to review at the October meeting. At that time the committee asked for the <br />comments to be categorized by park and then brought back for further discussion. Staff <br />did categorize the comments by each park and also by trails. After discussion, staff <br />recommended that the committee utilize <br />work plan and then present the work plan and survey findings to Council at the March <br />joint work session. The committee also discussed showing the results of the survey on <br />website after that time. Ms. Olson recapped that Committee Member <br />Kramlinger suggested the PTRC come up with a subcommittee to talk about trails and <br />felt the PTRC should discuss the survey results one more time before deciding how to <br />utilize the results. <br /> <br />Chair reminded the committee that they had discussed looking at the results of <br />the survey for any quick fixes that could be done like the comment about the lack of a <br />trash can at Crepeau. Ms. Olson indicated that will be done next spring when they put <br />the trash cans back out. Ms. Olson informed that some other items that were completed <br />were the removal of the gates at Cummings and putting in the domes and the handicap <br />accessible concrete slabs; removal of the gate at Floral and the gates at Hazelnut; <br />installing bike racks at Cummings, Perry, and Floral and Hazelnut; removing the chain <br />
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