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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes November 19, 2013 <br />Page 5 <br />Council Liaison Holmes questioned if they had not talked about doing something with <br />the University of Minnesota or some other study to find out about buckthorn eradication <br />aside from just cutting it down. Ms. Olson indicated she has been trying to get a hold of <br />Roseville to see what they have been doing with buckthorn in their parks. She indicated <br />this could be a work plan item because it would need a lot of discussion on how best to <br />address buckthorn and they would probably need to look at other entities to come in and <br />help with it. Discussion ensued and the members were in agreement to add this item to <br />the 2014 work plan. <br /> <br />Ms. Olson informed that the Emerald Ash Borer problem has been discussed with <br />Council and that there is a management plan in place for the next couple of years. She <br />did negotiate a better price with contractor to get the City and residents a <br />better price for the tree ash injections and this will be going to Council at the next <br />meeting. Once the contract is in place she will put the information out on the City <br />website. <br />B. Other New Business <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />5. REPORTS <br /> <br />A.City Council Report <br /> <br />Council Liaison Holmes indicated that Council approved the off-leash dog park. <br /> <br />Ms. Holmes mentioned that Council did have discussion about Bethel purchasing the <br />Country Insurance building and that this will be brought back at the next Council <br />meeting. <br /> <br />proposals. One proposal was for a Goodwill store on County Road E and Lexington, but <br />that there are some traffic issues. The other proposal was for Creative Catering who is <br />interested in purchasing the Carrollsa catering facility and also a 400-seat <br />banquet hall. The Council has concerns since there is no parking at the Carrolls location. <br />Creative Catering has proposed using parking in the area and is in the proceess of trying <br />to make arrangement, Country Financial and other <br />businesses nearby. <br /> <br />Ms. Holmes informed that Council and staff are working on the budget for next year. <br /> <br />She also informed that Hwy 10 and 96 is now open. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Holmes mentioned that prior to the PTRC meeting, Ramsey County and <br />the State held a presentation regarding bridges to help with the TCAAP property, which <br />are mainly H and 96. Ms. Holmes indicated she did speak with Ramsey County about <br />her concern about the shoulder on Old 10 which is very crumbly. Ramsey County <br />