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❑ CarrolI's—The EDA (City) will continue to monitor the redevelopment situation at <br /> Carro[I's and hopeful I y can find away to i m prove the access and d ri vewaylentrance i nto <br /> the site for the benefit of all the businesses in this vicinity. <br /> ❑ Bum-The 2015 EDA budgets will need to be reviewed and approved. Gateways Signs <br /> (money is transferred from the Pllt fluid) are included in the 2014 EDA budget. A <br /> sustainable revenue source needs to be identified for the EDA General Fund budget. <br /> ❑ TIF#3 —This district expires in 2019. The EDA needs to develop a plan to use the <br /> available funds for the benefit of qualified low to moderate income housing projects. <br /> ❑ TIF 94—This district for Pres H omes wi I I be"up and running" in 2014. The EDA will <br /> want to be kept advised as to the revenues and expenditures in this district_ <br /> ❑ Business Retention and Expansion (BRE}prograni —The EDC plans to make a <br /> presentation to the EDA in 2014 on the"pros and cons' for the development of a <br /> program in Arden Hills. <br /> ❑ B2 Improvement praiect—This may be a 2015 construction project. This is a City <br /> Council project but is also related to economic development as it will impact most of the <br /> business operation along County Road E. <br /> This list is not meant to be all inclusive. As appropriate, please add projects for the 2014-15 <br /> work plans. <br /> Attachment <br /> Attachment A: EDA 2013 Work Plan <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />