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ARDEN HILLS EDA MEETING—OCTOBER 28, 2013 2 <br /> None. <br /> 4. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Approve Preliminary 2014 EDA Budgets <br /> Treasurer Iverson reviewed the preliminary 2014 EDA budgets in detail. These budgets are: the <br /> summary page showing all of the EDA budgets, the EDA General Fund, the Revolving Loan Fund, <br /> TIF 2, TIF 3, and TIF 4. At the last EDA meeting, a transfer was approved as well as a budget <br /> amendment to remove non-tax increment revenues from TIF 2 and place them into the PIR Fund. <br /> This change has been made, and as a result, the interest income in that fund has been revised. There <br /> have not been any other major changes to these budgets since the last meeting. She requested the <br /> EDA approve the preliminary EDA budgets. <br /> President Grant asked which TIF District fiords would assist with the Rotund Lake Road project. <br /> Treasurer Iverson indicated that it would be TIF District 2. <br /> EDA Commissioner Holden questioned if the gateway sign amounts should be reduced. <br /> Treasurer Iverson stated that the amount was reduced from $50,000 to $40,000. <br /> MOTION: EDA Commissioner Holmes moved and EDA Commissioner Werner <br /> seconded a motion to approve the preliminary EDA budgets for 2014. The <br /> motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> B. Update on Car r ol I's Pr oper ty <br /> Executive Director Hutmacher stated that the City Council discussed the old CarrolI's Furniture <br /> building and property at the October 21, 2013, work session. At that meeting, the Council expressed <br /> an interest in exploring the possibility of purchasing the property. Staff has been in contact with the <br /> local broker and has learned that the property has two full-price offers. The potential buyers are <br /> interested in reusing the existing building. She indicated that the two full-price offers are of great <br /> interest to US Bank. She discussed the proposed uses for the site. <br /> EDA Commissioner Holmes asked if the potential buyers have been made aware of the Clty's <br /> interest in putting in a sidewalk. <br /> Executive Director Hutmacher commented that the broker is aware of this information and that <br /> she provides this information to any potential buyers who contact the City. A visual of where the <br /> sidewalk would be located was also provided. It was noted that the City has a partial easement <br /> for a portion of the sidewalk on this property, and that the main concern is the number of parking <br /> spaces that will be lost when a sidewalk is installed. <br /> EDA President Grant stated that the bank probably would not consider a lower offer from the <br /> City given the fact that there are two full-price offers on the table. <br />
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