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8-14-13 EDC Packet
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8-14-13 EDC Packet
8-14-13 EDC Packet
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Master Plan Public Engagement <br />Developer Interviews <br />On July 10and 11, staff and consultants met with representatives from CSM Corporation, Pulte <br />Group, Lennar, and Ryan Companies. Developers were asked questions regarding attractive <br />features in a redevelopment site, potential challenges for TCAAP and with working with a public <br />agency, suggestions for the Master Plan and regulations, and expectations for environmental and <br />sustainability features. Developers provided frank and useful feedback. A summary of <br />developer comments is attached. <br />Developer Panel and Public Engagement Workshop <br />On July 30, the City held a developer panel and public engagement workshop. The two-hour <br />event began with a panel discussion of land use and development professionals. The facilitator <br />asked the panel questions regarding development features for TCAAP, likely land uses, and <br />sustainability strategies. Following a question andanswer session, attendees divided into four <br />breakout groups to discuss key development issues: commercial and residential development; <br />transportation and access; recreation and open space; and environment/energy/sustainability. <br />Each group summarized their discussion for all event attendees, then attendees had an <br />opportunity to participate in a second breakout group. A summary of panel and breakout group <br />comments is attached. <br />TCAAP Open House <br />The first TCAAP Master Plan open house event is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17, 5:30 <br />pm to 7:30 pm in the Marsden Room of the Ramsey County Public Works facility. At this time, <br />the consultants are still in the “discovery” phase of the project and will not be prepared to present <br />findings. Instead, information on how this project differs from earlier redevelopment efforts <br />(i.e., market, access points) will be presented and public input encouraged. RSVPs are not <br />required, and attendees may arrive at any time during the event. <br />Denver Redevelopment Visit <br />The Joint Development Authority (JDA) visited the Denver, Colorado metro region on August 1 <br />and 2. The group visited three redevelopments in Denver and Aurora over about 36 hours, <br />beginning with Stapleton, the old airport. Stapleton has been under development for about 15 <br />years, and is approximately 4,700 acres in size. It is a mixed-use development. Next, they <br />toured the Fitzsimons/Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora. Formerly an Army Medical facility, <br />Fitzsimons is now home to the University of Colorado, and the beginnings of a synergistic <br />medical technology campus. Finally, the group visited with Lowry Redevelopment in Denver. <br />Lowry, a former Air Force Base, closed through the Base Realignment and Closure Commission <br />(BRAC) process in the mid-1990’s, and is now a mixed-use redevelopment with a diversity of <br />housing types, retail, commercial and public amenities such as parks and trails. It is <br />approximately 1,800 acres, and is nearing 70% completion.A detailed description of the three <br />redevelopment areas is attached. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Economic Development Commission August 14, 2013 <br />23 <br />Page of <br />
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