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3/28/2014 4:24:14 PM
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3/28/2014 4:24:11 PM
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The kitchenand food assemblyuse is defined in the Zoning Code as “manufacturing and <br />processing”.Uses that are considered “manufacturing and processing”are allowed only as <br />accessory uses in the B-2 Zoning District.By definition,an accessory use must be incidental to <br />the principaluse of the property, which meansthat the accessory use must directly support the <br />principaluse.The applicant’s current plans are to use the kitchen and food assembly area to <br />support off-site catering events, wholesale production/distribution to institutional or corporate <br />clients, and retail sales of café meals and takeout to consumers. The applicant estimates that <br />once the retail portion of the business is established, the retail will comprise approximately 35% <br />of business, and the wholesale/catering will comprise 65% of business. Given this information <br />and after conversations with the City Attorney, staff believes that thekitchenand food assembly <br />area is not an accessoryuse to the café/retail store. <br />The former Carroll’s Furniture is a unique and challenging property.Its large size and small <br />amount of parking limit the number of uses that could successfully occupy the existing building. <br />The property is located on one of the City’s primary commercial corridors and the building’s <br />current condition is a detriment to the rest of the B-2Zoning District.City staff recognizes the <br />importance of finding a reuse for this property, but believes that additional Council direction is <br />necessary.Staff believes that a zoning code amendment is required to allow this proposal to <br />move forward. <br />SidewalkConstruction <br />The City has an easement over part of the area where a sidewalk connection is proposed <br />(AttachmentC), however,the City does not currently have easements to allow sidewalk <br />construction across the entire frontage. The applicant has indicated that she would be willing to <br />provide the necessary easements, but staff has concluded that the current proposed use will need <br />all of theavailable35 parking spaces. It would be possible to construct a sidewalk between the <br />curb and the parking lot. The City would request pedestrian easements in the event that the <br />property eventually redeveloped. <br />TrafficMovements <br />The current proposal suggests that traffic would move through the site in a one-way fashion from <br />east to west. Customers or clients would enter the site near the east property line and proceed <br />through the parking lot where upon exit, on the west side of the property, a right-out only would <br />be permitted. As with each proposal, traffic and pedestrian safety will need to be evaluated and <br />the City will need to determine what type of access is appropriate. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Work Session for March 31, 2014 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2014\PC 14-003 -Creative Catering -Site Plan Review\Memos_Reports_14-003 <br />23 <br />Page of <br />
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