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10. Since the ?":ayor is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of <br />the "�4unicipality, either he or his designate shall act as liaison to <br />the Sheri£f's departnent. <br />11. It is understood between the Parties hereto that u�on <br />notice given by either Party, negotiations will be undertaken for t�e <br />purnose of revising, adding or striking any of the provisions of this <br />contract which it aopears are in dispute, are unworkable, or are <br />insufficient as herein set forth; and that such changes, if any, when <br />agreed to, will be entered by sup�lemental contract, Which shall have <br />the same ef£ect as though it had been originally a provision of this <br />Agreement. <br />12. It is further understood that this Agreement shall take <br />effect upon being aporoved and er.ecuted by both parties hereto. The <br />County agrees to notify the 1�unicipality forthwith uroon said approval <br />bv the 3oard of Commissioners. <br />13. This �greement shall be e£fective as oP Januar�� Z. 1°8n . <br />Ir,� �.�m�SS T��'rIEREOF, the City of Arden F.ills, by resolution duly <br />adopted by its Governing Body, has caused this ��reement to be signed b,y <br />its ?"ayor and Clerk Administrator and tne seal of the t`.unici�alit,y to be <br />affixed hereto on the ���day of�:~�'�L��-,`r�,��;?�.���'�� 197�, the Countv of T�amsev <br />by resolution of its Boaxd of Count,y Comr:tissioners, has caused these <br />�resents to be subscribed by the Chairman and �xecutive Secretar,y of said <br />Board and the seal of said Board to be affixed thereto and attested bv the <br />said Board on the Q�� day of �_, 19.�(r` . <br />-5- <br />