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i� Extract`of Minutes of Meeting of the <br />`-- City eouncil of the City of Arden Hills , <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota ' <br />� Pursuan�t to due call and noiice thereof, a regular meeting <br />- of the City Council of the City of Arden Hi11s, Minnesota was <br />duly held at the City Hall in said City on Monday, the25th day , <br />of- Febsuary , 1980, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. <br />The followinq members were present: Grichton; xanson, Wingert,, ' <br />Woodburn. <br />and the following were absent: Mayox Aenry ,T. Crepeau,, .Tr. ' <br />Councilman <Wingert introduced and moved the adoption ' <br />of the following resolution: <br />Resolution No. 80'9 <br />RESOLUTION AWARDING BID FOR <br />TMpROVEMENT N0. 79-1 <br />Wt�REAS, pursuant to advertisement for b:ids for the above <br />improvement, according to the plans and specifieations �hereo� <br />on file in the office of the Clerk Administrator of said City. . , <br />said bids were received on February 80 1980, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., � <br />�� <br />opened and tabulated according to law and the following bids <br />r <br />-were received complying with the advertisement: ', <br />Bidder Amount <br />C. W. Houle, Inc. - St. Paul, MN $40,484.50 ', <br />Brwin Montgomery - Osseo, MN 40,583.50 <br />Morettini Construction - St. Pau1, MN 45,890.00 <br />Walhunt Construction Co. - Cedar, MN 46,904.50 ' <br />De-Luxe Construction - 5horeview, MN 47,126.25 <br />A. C. G. Mechanical`- 5t. Pau1, MN 4$,520.25 <br />- Randall Contracting - Cedar,`MN 51,922.20 , <br />Julian Johnson.Construction - Blaine, MN 52,209.00 - � <br />� C. S. McCrossan, Inc.'- Osseo, MN . • 63,596.00 <br />