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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—MARCH 10, 2014 5 <br /> made a recommendation that the City Council consider a condition of approval that would require <br /> the building owner to regularly service the interior light fixtures and replace burnt out bulbs. <br /> Associate Planner Bachler noted the Planning Commission reviewed this application at their <br /> March 5, 2014,meeting, and have offered the following findings of fact for consideration: <br /> I. The property is located in the B-3 Service Business Zoning District. <br /> 2. The City has adopted design standards for the B-3 District within the Zoning Code. <br /> 3. The Master Planned Unit Development and Final Planned Unit Development for Phase I <br /> of the Lexington Station redevelopment project was approved by the City on July 8, 2013, <br /> in Planning Case 13-003. <br /> 4. The applicant is proposing an amendment to the approved Final PUD for Phase I for a <br /> revised building plan that would reduce the facade transparency on the Phase I building. <br /> The applicant has cited a need to reduce transparency coverage in order to accommodate <br /> kitchen and restroom facilities used by tenants in the building. <br /> 5. The design standards for the B-3 District allow the City to grant a proportional reduction <br /> in the transparency requirement on the public street fagades if additional transparent glass <br /> is used on the remaining sides. <br /> 6. For buildings with a use that does not readily allow transparent windows, the transparency <br /> requirements may also be reduced at the discretion of the City Council. <br /> 7. The proposed PUD Amendment is in substantial conformance with the requirements of the <br /> City's Zoning Code. <br /> 8. The PUD Amendment approval process allows for flexibility within the City's regulations <br /> through a negotiated process with a developer. <br /> Associate Planner Bachler explained the Planning Commission reviewed this request at their <br /> meeting on March 5, 2014, and recommends approval (4-1, Holewa dissenting) of Planning Case <br /> 14-010 for an amendment to the Final PUD for Phase I of the Lexington Station redevelopment <br /> project at 3833 Lexington Avenue North, based on the findings of fact and submitted plans. The <br /> Planning Commission recommended that the following three (3) conditions be included in a <br /> motion to approve: <br /> I. The project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as amended by the <br /> conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by the City <br /> Planner, shall require review by the Planning Commission and review and approval by the <br /> City Council. <br /> 2. The applicant shall continue to abide by the conditions of approval listed in the Master <br /> Planned Unit Development Agreement and Phase I — Final Plan for Lexington Station <br /> (PC# 13-003). <br /> 3. A PUD Amendment shall be drafted by the City Attorney and executed prior to the <br /> issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. <br /> Mayor Grant asked for comments or questions from the Council. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested further information on the proposed metal panels on the north <br /> building facade. <br />