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- _ __ � __ <br />to eliminate that pumping ,station; bring it by gravity <br />along Old Highway 10 and along the vicinity (not exactly <br />located but schematically) located in a westerly direction, <br />just north of the freeway, around by the railroad crossing <br />and cross over into New Brighton. The Metropolitan <br />,interceptor is proposed to be extended from somewhere by (�� <br />the railroad bridge to the west of 35W; there's a large <br />New Brighton interceptor at that poin,t; hletropolitan Sewer <br />Board proposes to extend that 'interceptor over to Arden <br />HiT1s so_this connecti_on can be made, that, has not been <br />done at this time. The.Metropolitan Sewer'Commission <br />proposes to do that as soon as Arden Hi11s gets this <br />particular program under way. There is a need for it <br />because there are problems with the downstream flows. We <br />are talking about constructing an 18" sanitary sewer deep <br />enough to eliminate that particular lift station. <br />I have two schemat:ic alternatives; showing where there might <br />be benefitted property.: This drawing illustrates an alignment <br />extending the sewer south on Old l0, then extending west along the <br />north side of I-69� and back up into New Brighton; the dotted a�ea <br />is what we are showing as front footage assessment which is set <br />back 200'; beyond the 200' would be an area assessment.' This <br />dotted area would not be charged on an area basis, just a front <br />foot basis. This area has been assessed before`, in fact; portions <br />of all of this area have been assessed. This area has been assessed <br />for a previous improvement for a frontage and an acreage; some of <br />__ - - — <br />these properties have been charged acreage in the back. There is a <br />corlsideration to have assessment on acreage for the' unsewered areas. <br />The unsewered areas, on an acreage basis; I have outlined - the <br />dashed outline there may be some additional areas of area assessment <br />back in this location.' It depend's on what is desired as far as <br />extension of area improvement.' <br />This is just another illustration, changing the alignment of <br />the sewer slightly on the easterly end, rather that coming clear <br />down to the.north side of the freeway. There is a proper.ty line <br />about mid-way'between the lift station and the freeway; placing <br />the sewer next to the`existing water; if placed in this location, ' <br />it would be doubTe-sided frontage (200' on one side'and 200' <br />on the other times the length). From that point it would probably <br />still drop back to this lower area along the freeway. <br />This particular project is expensive by itself and maybe <br />exceeds benefits; of course that would have to be "determined. It's �' <br />an 18" sanitary sewer trunk 1in'e. I mentioned it is rather deep. <br />In the location where it is extremely deep; rather than have the ': <br />abutting property owners have to dig down 40'± to get into the <br />sewer we would`put manholes in strategic locations and put drap t,_,' <br />sections in the'manholes; so, you would not have to dig quite as � <br />deep`to make a connection. , <br />'Your honor, I believe that completes my portion of the <br />presentation. <br />2 <br />