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- /. � . � � . � � . . . .. . : � . . � � . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . � . <br />/ � , .. ,. . . ' . .� ' - �/. /j_ �/ //�/�J . - - . .. . <br />. . . . .. .. � � � . / ' Y . . . . . .. . <br />RESOLUTIOI�t RECITIL�G A PROPOSAL FOR A: <br />COMMERCIAL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PR�.TECT <br />GIVING PRELIMIL�TARY APPROVAL TO fiHE PROJECT <br />PURSUAi�TT TO THE MINI�TESOTA <br />' MUI�TICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMEI�7T ACT <br />: :AUTHORIZII�TG THE' SUBMISSIOI�T OF AN APPLICATION <br />�. FOR APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT TO THE <br />- ENERGY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPM�NT <br />AUTHORTTY OF THE STATE OF MINNES�JTA <br />AL�7D AUTHORI ZING THE PREPARATIOI�T OF <br />: NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS <br />IiQ COC�TNECTION WITH THE PROJECT <br />WHEREAS, <br />(a) The purpose o.f Chapter 474,`Minnesota` <br />Statutes, known as the Minnesota Municipal Industrial <br />Development Act (the "Act") as found and'deterrnined by the <br />legislature is to promote:the wel:fare of the state by the <br />active attraction and'encouragement and development of economi- <br />. ca31y sound industry and comrnerce to prevent so far as possible <br />the emergence of blighted and marginal.lands and areas of' <br />chronic unemployment; : <br />_ (b) Factors necessitating the active promotion <br />and development of sconomically sound industry and commerce are <br />the increas:ing concentration of population in the metropolitan <br />areas and the rapidly rising increase in the amaunt and cost of <br />governmental services required to meet the needs of the <br />�ncreased population and the need for developr.tent of land use <br />� . which will provide an adequate tax base to finanee these <br />increased costs and access to employment opportunities for such : <br />_ population; <br />(�) The Cit Council of the Cit of Arden Hills <br />Y Y <br />-(the_"City") has received from Richard H. Routhe, D.V.M. (the _ <br />''Borrower") a proposal that the City assist in financing a <br />Project hereinafter described, through the issuance of a <br />Revenue Bond or Bonds or a Revenue Note or Notes hereinafter <br />referred to in this resolution as "Revenue Bonds" pursuant to <br />the Aet, <br />(d) The City desires to facilitate the selec- <br />tive development of the community, retain and improve the tax . <br />. base and help to provide the range of services and employment <br />opportunities required by the�population; and the Project wi11 <br />' 1 - <br />�.:. <br />I <br />