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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION –May 7, 20142 <br />City Planner Streff <br />reported that the applicants in this case own the property located at 1850 <br />Venus Avenue. The property is Zoned R-1 Single Family Residential and is generally positioned <br />north of County Road E2 West, south of Venus Avenue, east of Interstate 35W and west of <br />Snelling Avenue North. The subject property is considered by the Zoning Code to be a corner lot, <br />as it is situated at the corner of Venus Avenue and Rolling Hills Road. However, Rolling Hills <br />Road is an unimproved City right-of-way that terminates approximately 200 feet south of Venus <br />Avenue and is used solely for trail purposes. This area was platted in 1956 as Shorewood Hills <br />Addition No. 6 and Rolling Hills Road was stubbed in for a future connection to County Road E2 <br />West. The connection to County Road E2 West was never completed and is unlikely to be <br />developed as the land to the south is within Tony Schmidt Regional Park and the need for an <br />additional access to this subdivision is unwarranted at this time. <br />Staff explained that the applicants are proposing to construct a twenty-four(24) foot by thirty- <br />eight (38) foot or 912 square foot attached garage to the east side of the single family dwelling. <br />The garage would be constructed between the existing dwelling and the east property line. As <br />proposed, the new addition would encroach thirty (30) feet into the forty (40) foot secondary <br />front yard setback along the platted right-of-way for Rolling Hills Road. The required forty (40) <br />foot setback along Venus Avenue would be maintained along with the remaining rear and side <br />yard setbacks. A variance to encroach thirty (30) feet into the secondary front yard setback is <br />being requested, which would leave a setback of ten (10) feet from the east property line. <br />City Planner Streff <br />indicatedthat grading would be conducted along the north and east sides of <br />the home in order to prepare the new garage pad and driveway, and to reclaim the existing <br />driveway area back to a natural vegetative state. The site plan indicates that some amount of <br />grading would occur in the City’s right-of-way along Rolling Hills Road. Any grading to be <br />completed in the right-of-way would require approval by the City in conjunction with Grading <br />and Erosion Control Permit. <br />City Planner Streff <br />stated that the applicants have indicated that the façade and roofing <br />materials to be used on the new garage addition would match the materials on the existing home. <br />Following the construction of the new addition the existing tuck-under garage would be <br />converted to functioning living space, the existing driveway and stairway up to the front door <br />would be removed and new landscaping would be installed. In order to create a finished look the <br />façade area on the former garage would be designed to match the existing home so that a <br />consistent exterior façade is maintained. Once removed the old concrete driveway area would be <br />graded to match the existing grade along the front of the home. Two new trees would be planted <br />to fulfill the Tree Preservation Ordinance andtree mitigation standards. <br />Site Data <br />Land Use Plan: Low Density Residential <br />Existing Land Use: Single Family Detached Residential <br />Zoning: R-1: Single Family Residential <br />Current Lot Sizes: .3574 Acres (15,569 Square Feet) <br />Topography: The eastside of the has a fair amount of <br />grade change in the location of the proposed <br />garage <br />