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: STATE OF MINNESOTA _ <br />� COUNTY 0F RAMSEY <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />'_ : RESOLUTION N0. 81-49 <br />� RESOLUTION REQUESTING 1980-81 LOCAL PLANNING ASSTSTANCE <br />DISCRETIONARY GRANT FUNDS FROM THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, Minnesota Statutes, <br />Section 473.852-473.872 required that the city,�a��,�cicmx�x�t�i� of . <br />Arden Hills prepare and submit a comprehensive plan to the <br />Metropo �tan Council; and : <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council and the city �cz.��t�a��.m�b�i� <br />� of Arden HiTls have entered into a contract numbered 78140 <br />dated Mav 3. 1978 which was subsequently amended on March 20, 1979 : <br />and <br />� WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has allocated $2,282 <br />to the city/Sc�axi�yfc�s�sa�;icp� of Arden Hills in a ditional grant <br />: funds for 1980-81; and <br />�. <br />WHEREAS, the citY/Sc�x��yfci�s�xv�c}zxP�1 of Arden Hills has <br />co�npleted the planning program reqnire o it by the Metropolitan <br />Land Planning Act; and <br />WFiEREAS, the actual total cost of the required planning activities <br />was as documented by the :Work Program Amendment attached hereto; and <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan.Council has establisk�ed a dis�retionary <br />fund from which to make awards to local units demonstrating a need <br />for additional funds and having a lack o£ financial resources; and <br />WHEREAS, the .city/�Xe��S�?�t�24���� of Arden Hil1s believes that <br />it is qualified to received discretionary funds, as demonstrated on <br />the attached application�form; and <br />'WHEREAS, the total grants from the Metropolitan Council of $11,299 * <br />would not exceed.75 percent of the total actual cost of carrying out <br />the required, planning; and <br />WHEREAS, grant funds from ather sources, plus Metropolitan Council <br />grants, will not exceed l00 percent of the actual planning cost. <br />NOW THEREFORE, the . ci ty�.Q[g�t����cxp� of Arden Hi l l s <br />requests $2>581 in 1980-81 discretionary grant funds and <br />_ � authorizes er<- m�nistrator to execute the.Agreement Amendment to the <br />�-- above-reference contrac on its behalf. : <br />I <br />. <br />II <br />- 40 - <br />�r _ - <br />. <br />I , _ ,..., <br />�__ _ _ _ _ _. _ <br />