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6-17-14 PTRC Packet
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6-17-14 PTRC Packet
6-17-14 PTRC Packet
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes April 15, 2014 <br />Page 2 <br />Development Factors at the end of Ms. OlsonÓs memo. Mr. Maurer mentioned that these <br />st <br />recommendations will be introduced to Council at the April 21 work session and asked <br />that the PTRC members attend the meeting to support the recommendations. <br />Committee Member OÓMalley pointed out that some of the parks indicate portable <br />bathrooms and others do not indicate anything. Ms. Olson indicated she will remove that <br />item as it was a typo. Bathrooms are intended to only be mentioned if they proposed to <br />be indoor as the outdoor bathroom is a detail not needed at this point. Public Works <br />Director Maurer indicated that staff is recommending that the fields be irrigated so there <br />will be water there. Committee Member OÓMalley suggested the proposal list a full <br />basketball court with lights at the athletic complex. Ms. Olson stated that at this point <br />they should not be concerned with location but merely that a full basketball court is <br />included in the proposal. <br />Committee Member Scott indicated he was asked to present some additional information <br />regarding aeronautics and provided the PTRC with an informational packet. He pointed <br />out that some urban schools have to drive quite a long ways out to rural areas in order to <br />engage in this activity. He, personally, would like to see two separate sites on the <br />TCAAP property, each approximately 1 ¼ acre, that could be used for flying model <br />airplanes. Discussion ensued regarding the two sites and whether this be included in the <br />recommendation to Council. Council Liaison McClung indicated since the development <br />area is not that large, the amenities that are put in there have to be multi-purpose and he <br />cannot support this and feels it would be difficult finding support if the proposal is <br />dedicating an acre or two for aviation alone. Public Works Director Maurer also stated <br />he did not think this a good idea, but stated this might be brought back to Council when <br />the park is built to see if this is an appropriate use for that space. He indicated he could <br />change the bullet point under Other Items Discussed to say up to 2.5 acres or two 1.25 <br />acre areas of multi-use open space for flying model airplanes so that Council is aware <br />this was discussed. <br />Ms. Holmes questioned whether there should be a play structure on the athletic field. <br />Ms. Olson indicated a play structure should have been listed and will add it. Ms. Holmes <br />also questioned why a splash pad was listed since at the last discussion it was determined <br />to be too expensive. Ms. Olson indicated at the last subcommittee meeting there was <br />more of a consensus to have a splash pad or some sort of water feature. She indicated <br />she could make it more generic since the subcommittee was not sold on, specifically, a <br />splash pad. Mr. Maurer indicated that he feels, since this is the town center, it needs <br />something to draw people. He indicated staff could make a note that there was <br />discussion of the initial cost and the cost of the ongoing maintenance. Council Liaison <br />McClung indicated that staff point out the positives and the negatives that will need to be <br />addressed should it be decided this is an amenity they would like to see within the park <br />space. Ms. Holmes asked why the recommendation states that pocket parks should be <br />private parks managed and maintained by the neighborhood associations. Mr. Maurer <br />recapped that the Master Plan shows what they are calling tot lots/pocket parks in a <br />couple locations and that staff is saying if the development wants those thatÓs fine but the <br />association will need to maintain them, but if the developer doesnÓt really want to build <br />one the City is fine with that as well. Ms. Holmes expressed that she feels the tot <br />
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