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04-15-14 PTRC Minutes
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04-15-14 PTRC Minutes
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4-15-14 PTRC Minutes
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4-15-14 PTRC Minutes
4-15-14 PTRC Minutes
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes April 15, 2014 <br />Page 4 <br />Brighton, as many people have expressed concern about that segment of trail since it is <br />very dangerous. Committee Member Messerly complimented the Foundation on the <br />good job they are doing. Committee Member Stephens offered her assistance if the <br />Foundation were in need of help in creating a website and indicated one can purchase a <br />domain through a free service. Ms. Holmes indicated the Foundation uses LinkedIn and <br />Facebook but have not yet done a website. They have also gone door-to-door to some of <br /> <br />businesses if Arden Hills Foundation flyers can be placed on their counters. Ms. <br />Stephens also indicated that many businesses have community boards where a flyer could <br />be posted. <br /> <br />It was questioned how the Foundation went about deciding how to spend the money they <br />received. Ms. Holmes indicated donations are either designated or undesignated. If it is <br />a designated donation the funds are used for what the designee asks it be used for. If it is <br />discretion on what to use the funds for. She stated that <br />so far the contributions all have been designated for specific projects. Ms. Holmes <br />indicated that if the PTRC has any thoughts on projects or wants to get involved, the <br />Foundation would welcome that. Committee Member Trites suggested that under <br />Donation Support in the Foundation brochure, it be more specific on how funds are being <br />used and maybe also to track the progress of the donations. Committee Member <br />Stephens suggested that maybe residents host a seminar or a kids activity in their <br />neighborhood park that would be sponsored by the Arden Hills Foundation. Committee <br />Member stated she would volunteer to pass out brochures in her neighborhood <br />and Committee Member Stephens indicated she could bring some brochures to Angie <br />Hames to include in a mailing she is doing in May. <br /> <br />B. Subcommittee Discussion <br /> <br />Co-Chair Van Valkenburg recapped that at the March PTRC meeting the committee <br />requested this topic be placed on the April agenda. He suggested that the committee <br />goals could possibly be accomplished more efficiently if subcommittees were formed to <br />work on more detailed analysis between regular meetings. Having a Chair would also <br />provide more structure to the meetings and the Chair would also be responsible for <br />making sure all members get notice of the meetings. <br /> <br />Ms. Olson stated that she has added Item 5a to the agenda as a spot for subcommittees to <br />give a report on their progress if the item is not discussed during the regular course of the <br />meeting . She indicated staff is willing to set up the meetings but asked that the <br />subcommittees give her some advance notice of when they planned on meeting so that <br />she could put the meetings on the staff calendar. <br /> <br />Olson indicated the subcommittees would be formed as the need arises but will be <br />officially formed at the PTRC meetings. <br />
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