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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—APRIL 21, 2014 13 <br /> Public Works Director Maurer explained that it is possible and maybe likely that a Storm Water <br /> Management plan that meets all of these required regulations will also meet the Council's goal for <br /> the aesthetic and passive recreational use of the blue/green spine. However, if the Council can <br /> provide some specificity as to what you are expecting for aesthetics and passive recreational use, <br /> these items can either be included in or added to the storm water management plan for TCAAP. <br /> Some thoughts/questions to help define expectations might be: <br /> • Does the Council want standing water along the entire length of blue/green spine at all <br /> times? (The blue/green spine as shown on the draft master plan is 25-30 acres. Just the <br /> RCWD requirement for water quality treatment would mean this area is flooded <br /> approximately 1.5 feet deep before adding rate control ponding.) <br /> • Typically wetlands under WCA and ponds under RCWD will have a buffer strip 5-15 feet <br /> wide around them of native or natural growth; is that what the Council envisions? The <br /> buffer strip works to prevent contaminants in the runoff from reaching the wetland or <br /> ponding area and it also helps discourage large populations of geese. Does the Council <br /> envision the area with a natural buffer? <br /> • Does the Council want to see some kind of water feature(i.e., water fountain) in the Town <br /> Center area of the blue/green spine(the area near the existing water treatment building)? <br /> • The draft master plan shows a series of trails throughout the blue/green spine. There would <br /> also likely be benches, trash receptacles and possibly pedestrian scale lighting. Is there <br /> anything else the Council would like to have there for passive recreation? <br /> • It is likely that the City would be responsible for maintenance of the area both from a <br /> water resources area and a passive park area. Is the Council alright with the City having <br /> maintenance responsibility for the area? <br /> Staff hoped that the information presented regarding the regulatory constraints would assist the <br /> Council in establishing realistic goals for the area from an aesthetic and passive recreation <br /> standpoint. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked who would be responsible for buying wetland credits. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer reported that the County as land owner would be responsible for <br /> purchasing the credits or the future developer. He further discussed the AUAR along with the <br /> water runoff rate restrictions. <br /> Councilmember Holden wanted to be ensured the City would not incur any expense for the <br /> wetland mitigation that would be needed on TCAAP. <br /> Councilmember McClung believed that the water feature on TCAAP would be important and it <br /> would need to hold a great deal of water for the site. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that this was the case, with the understanding that the <br /> water feature may have to be phased in as the site develops. <br /> Councilmember Holden expressed concern with how the water treatment plant would be <br /> incorporated into the site and the water feature. <br />
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