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A: AUAR boundaries are typcially defined by the land areas that are to be modified by future development. The <br />impact analysis can and does extend beyond the study area boundaries to evaluate impacts of the change <br />on adjacent land uses. The potential impact of site development on Rice Creek was addressed in the <br />stormwater and other sections of the Draft AUAR. Impacts will be minimal downstream as water quantity <br />and quality will be managed to existing conditions or better, as required by state and local regulations and <br />permits. A new crossing of Rice Creek will be necessary and will be designed to have no floodplain impact <br />and to allow for wildlife and pedestrian crossings, which will be coordinated through Rice Creek Watershed <br />District requirements. The site development will enhance the Rice Creek North Regional Trail system by <br />extending the trail and green space corridor through the site. <br /> The transportation concerns of Shoreview are further addressed in the following response to comments. <br />B: The intent of the project is to preserve and enhance the integrity of the regional trail. The City recognizes the <br />value and importance of the regional trail and has included trails within the site to provide local access to the <br />regional trail. <br />Ju 2014 A-30 <br />