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<br />In previous site investigations, the Trap Shooting Area (21RA0022) was found to contain a pre-contact American <br />Indian habitation/resource procurement site of approximately 0.3 acres. It sits near a western slope of Rice <br />Creek in the Rice Creek Corridor, an area undisturbed by plowing or by the grading and filling historically <br />conducted at the TCAAP site. It sits just outside of the AUAR study area, within the county park land. Artifacts <br />found at the site include pottery and lithics. The other five archaeological sites identified in the SHPO file search <br />were previously evaluated as part of the 2011 Environmental Assessment prepared by the General Services <br />Administration (GSA) for the TCAAP study area. The archaeological investigations concluded that none of these <br />sites were eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The State Historic Preservation <br />Office (SHPO) concurred with this determination, as captured in a Memorandum of Agreement signed in 2010. <br />Based on these previous findings, no impacts to archaeological properties are anticipated as a result of the <br />development of the AUAR study area. <br />In the same 2011 EA, six World War II-era structures on the TCAAP site that were considered eligible for <br />inclusion on the NRHP were expected to be demolished . The documentation performed on those six buildings <br />met the requirements for Section 106 compliance, and the Memorandum of Agreement states that the GSA <br />adequately addressed and satisfied their obligations to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic <br />Preservation Act. All but one building within the AUAR study area were removed in 2013, and the remaining <br />building (#502) is set to be demolished in 2014. Thus, there will be no structures remaining on the site and no <br />impacts to historic/architectural properties will occur from the development of the AUAR study area. <br />15.V <br />ISUAL <br />D.D <br />ESCRIBE ANY SCENIC VIEWS OR VISTAS ON OR NEAR THE PROJECT SITE ESCRIBE ANY PROJECT RELATED <br />.D <br />VISUAL EFFECTS SUCH AS VAPOR PLUMES OR GLARE FROM INTENSE LIGHTS ISCUSS THE POTENTIAL VISUAL <br />.I,,. <br />EFFECTS FROM THE PROJECT DENTIFY ANY MEASURES TO AVOID MINIMIZE OR MITIGATE VISUAL EFFECTS <br />The structures within the AUAR study area have been or will be demolished prior to construction of the AUAR <br />study area. Building heights under the proposed development scenarios would range from one to six stories in <br />the larger part of the site and up to eight stories within the smaller site area north of Rice Creek. The proposed <br />redevelopment would occur in an urbanized area, surrounded by multiple-lane highways on the south and west <br />(across which are residential, church, and commercial properties), AHATS to the east, and Rice Creek North <br />Regional Trail and a MnDOT facility to the north. Lighting requirements for future development will be outlined in <br />the forthcoming Development Regulations and Policies for the site. <br />16.A <br />IR <br />a.S-D,,, <br />TATIONARY SOURCE EMISSIONS ESCRIBE THE TYPE SOURCES QUANTITIES AND COMPOSITIONS OF ANY <br />.I <br />EMISSIONS FROM STATIONARY SOURCES SUCH AS BOILERS OR EXHAUST STACKS NCLUDE ANY HAZARDOUS <br />,,.D <br />AIR POLLUTANTS CRITERIA POLLUTANTS AND ANY GREENHOUSE GASES ISCUSS EFFECTS TO AIR QUALITY <br />,,.I <br />INCLUDING ANY SENSITIVE RECEPTORS HUMAN HEALTH OR APPLICABLE REGULATORY CRITERIA NCLUDE A <br />DISCUSSION OF ANY METHODS USED ASSESS THE PROJECTS EFFECT ON AIR QUALITY AND THE RESULTS OF <br />.I <br />THAT ASSESSMENT DENTIFY POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENT AND OTHER MEASURES THAT WILL BE TAKEN <br />,,. <br />TO AVOID MINIMIZE OR MITIGATE ADVERSE EFFECTS FROM STATIONARY SOURCE EMISSIONS <br />AUAR Guidance: This item is not applicable to an AUAR. Any stationary air emissions source large enough <br />to merit environmental review requires individual review. <br />b.V-D. <br />EHICLE EMISSIONS ESCRIBE THE EFFECT OF THE PROJECTS TRAFFIC GENERATION ON AIR EMISSIONS <br />D-.I(.. <br />ISCUSS THE PROJECTS VEHICLERELATED EMISSIONS EFFECT ON AIR QUALITY DENTIFY MEASURES EG <br />,) <br />TRAFFIC OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS DIESEL IDLING MINIMIZATION PLAN THAT WILL BE TAKEN TO MINIMIZE <br />-. <br />OR MITIGATE VEHICLERELATED EMISSIONS <br /> <br /> <br />July 2014 Final AUAR 21 <br />