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07-28-14 Special WS
City Council
City Council Minutes
07-28-14 Special WS
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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—JULY 28, 2014 4 <br /> Public Works Director Maurer reported that the more expensive fixture and pole would cost <br /> $358,000. <br /> Mayor Grant supported the use of stamped concrete and pavers so long as the materials were salt <br /> resistant and would withstand the Minnesota winters. <br /> Councilmember Holmes did not agree with the use of pavers for numerous reasons. She <br /> reported that pavers can crumble and create a problem. She suggested that the Council pursue <br /> colored concrete instead. <br /> The Council was in agreement with adding stamped concrete in the median areas. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if the Council supported the trail to the west of the bridge and the contract <br /> amendment. He reported that this would cost the City an additional $15,000. He stated that he <br /> could support the trail being completed at the same time as the bridge. <br /> Councilmember Holden feared that the properties on the south side of the road would not want <br /> the trail running through their property. She asked about the trail being placed on the north side of <br /> County Road E. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that the north side of the roadway had a grade issue and <br /> ADA concerns. In addition, the trail would be more expensive to build on the north side. He <br /> reported that the 10' pedestrian facility would be located on the south side of the bridge. He noted <br /> that there would be economies of scale if the City were to complete the trail when the bridge was <br /> under construction. However, the Council could wait until 2016 or later for this project. <br /> Mayor Grant stated that delaying the project would ensure that Bethel University would <br /> contribute to the cost of the trail in a more timely fashion. He requested that staff inquire if it was <br /> feasible for the trail to be located on the north side of the roadway. <br /> Councilmember McClung was in favor of completing the trail section now. He indicated that <br /> the City had a contractual obligation to complete this trail and believed that the residents would <br /> have difficulty supporting the trail regardless of when it was completed. <br /> Councilmember Holden explained that the trail was previously proposed to the residents by <br /> MnDOT to be on the north side and now the south side was being recommended. <br /> The Council was in agreement to not do the sidewalk west of the bridge at this time. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked how many trees were going to be planted along the B-2 corridor. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer estimated that 50-55 trees would be planted and would cost <br /> approximately $44,000. <br /> Staff provided further comment on the proposed tree varieties. <br /> Mayor Grant strongly recommended that the trees be watered regularly. <br />
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