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06-04-14 EDC Minutes
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EDC Minutes
06-04-14 EDC Minutes
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6-4-14 EDC Minutes
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6-4-14 EDC Minutes
6-4-14 EDC Minutes
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EDC Minutes <br />June 4, 2014 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher commented that once the video was <br />completed, staff would likely be able to identify sections where visuals could be used to tell the <br />story rather than text. <br />Commissioner Erickson commented that the length of the video should not be a significant <br />concern, as those seeking out the video would likely watch it if it goes beyond three minutes. <br />Commissioner Radziej recommended that the sections of the video including testimonials be <br />interspersed with images. <br />C. Revolving Loan Fund <br />Associate Planner Bachler reported that staff presented recommendations to the Economic <br />Development Authority (EDA) on April 28, 2014 on how the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) <br />program could be improved. These recommendations were reviewed by the EDC at the April 2, <br />2014 meeting. Generally, the EDA was supportive of the proposed RLF guidelines. <br />Associate Planner Bachler provided an overview of the revised guidelines and outlined how the <br />loan approval process would work. He explained that the City would be responsible for <br />determining eligibility based on the proposed improvements, obtaining a third party review of <br />underwriting done by the participating bank, and completing a Participation Agreement. The <br />participating financial institution would be required to complete the underwriting, disburse the <br />loan funds, and collect payments for both the City and private portions of the loan. <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher explained that the underwriting done by the <br />participating bank would be sent directly to the third party reviewer. The reviewer would then <br />provide the EDA with a memo that would summarize the financial analysis and include a <br />recommendation for approval or denial. She commented that this process would keep the <br />financial documents provided by the applicant out of public records. <br />Commissioner Erickson asked how the cost of the third party review would be paid for. <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher responded that the cost would be minimal as <br />the review could likely be completed within one to two hours. She explained that this cost would <br />be paid for by the applicant as part of the application fee. <br />Commissioner Erickson questioned how the program would be marketed. <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher stated that City would primarily rely on <br />participating banks to market the program. Information on the RLF would also be provided on <br />the City's website and in the community newsletter. <br />Commissioner Altstatt stated that it will be important for the program to be easily accessible for <br />businesses. He questioned whether there would be much interest in the program given how low <br />commercial lending rates are currently. <br />
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