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3 <br />WHEREAS, based on its needs ascertainment, past performance review, best industry <br />practices, national trends in franchising and technology, and its own experience, Commission <br />staff prepared a “Request for Renewal Proposal for Cable Television Franchise” (“RFRP”) that <br />summarizes the Member Cities' and their communities’ present and future cable-related needs <br />and interests, establishes requirements for facilities, equipment and channel capacity on <br />Comcast’s cable system and includes model provisions for satisfying those requirements and <br />cable-related needs and interests; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 2013-04, the Commission authorized its <br />Executive Committee, Franchise Renewal Committee, Commission staff and/or Com mission <br />designee(s) to take all steps and actions necessary to implement, conduct and engage in the entire <br />formal franchise renewal process set forth in Section 626(a)-(g) of the Cable Act, 47 U.S.C. § <br />546(a)-(g), and to comply with any and all related federal, state and local laws, regulations, <br />ordinances, orders, decisions and agreements; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission’s delegation of authority to the Franchise Renewal <br />Committee includes, but is not limited to, the issuance of a staff report and RFRP and the <br />establishment of appropriate deadlines for questions and Comcast’s RFRP response; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with the authority delegated by the Commission, the <br />Franchise Renewal Committee, by resolution, terminated the Section 626(a) proceedings <br />required by the Cable Act on July 26, 2013, issued the Staff Report and RFRP to Comcast, <br />effective July 29, 2013, and instructed Commission staff to deliver the Staff Report and RFRP to <br />Comcast no later than July 30, 2013; and <br />WHEREAS, the Staff Report and RFRP was delivered to Comcast on July 29, 2013; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission ratified the issuance of the Staff Report and RFRP by the <br />Franchise Renewal Committee at its August 2013 meeting; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission and Comcast engaged in informal renewal negotiations <br />pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 546(h) but are currently unable to arrive at mutually acceptable terms, <br />although informal discussions are ongoing; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission established November 22, 2013, as a deadline for <br />Comcast’s response to the Staff Report and RFRP; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission and Comcast agreed to extend certain deadlines including <br />the deadline for Comcast to respond to the Staff Report and RFRP and the deadline set forth in <br />47 U.S.C. 546(c) for the Commission and the Member Cities to accept or preliminarily deny the <br />Comcast Proposal; and <br />WHEREAS, on or about December 20, 2013, Comcast submitted to the Commission its <br />Formal Proposal in response to the Staff Report and RFRP (“Proposal”); and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission published a notice notifying the public that Comcast’s <br />Proposal has been received and was placed on file for public inspection in the Commission’s <br />office, and that written public comments may be submitted to the Commission; and